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Angels pov

I arrive to Nyla's house.

I was going to knock at the door but just when I was going to do that Nyla opens the door and sees that I'm crying and hugs me tightly.
"Tell me what he did. And don't worry mom's not home and Remi's here too" Nyla says as she let's go of me.
Then Remi comes to the door and says
"Tell us what he did and we'll do and kill him for hurting our little Angel"

We go inside to the livingroom and sit down on the couch.

I take a deep breath and start explaining what happend.
"I'm so gonna kill him" Nyla says.
"How dare he cheat on u! Is it just cause u weren't giving him ur body!" Remi says.
"He never asked me for that, so I don't think it's because of that" I say, now wondering what was the reason.
"Now we have to do something that brings ur mood up" Remi says and of course Nyla already has a idea.
"I know, I know! We can stay up all night and play Monopoly!" Nyla says excited.
"Yes, that's a good idea" Remi says and I agree.

So we start playing.

"YAY! I'm the winner! Now u guys have to buy me a meal" Nyla says a little bit too loud.
"Hey! We never talked about the meal" Remi says.

That's right, we never talked about the meal.

"Come on! Pleaseee" Nyla whines.
"Okay for me, we can go to a restaurant tomorrow" I say.
"Oh yes!" Nyla says.
"Sounds like a plan" Remi says.

I take my phone what has been muted.

I see that Jay has called me over 30 times and texted over 40 times.

How has he not given up already?

"Thank god we don't have school tomorrow or we would be tired as fuck!" Remi says as they look at the clock.
It's already 4am.
Time really flies by.

Nyla looks at my phone screen.
"That asshole has not given up yet?" Nyla asks while looking at me.
"It looks like that" I say annoyed.
I continue.
"What if tomorrow we go to see Jay and let him explain everything"
"U're giving him a second chance!" Nyla says in shoock.
"I never said that! But I think there's something else that I was too blind to see" I say while looking at the texts Jay has send me.
"I think Angel's right. Remember when we said if he breaks Angel's heart it's gonna be the end of him and he said that's the last thing he would do. He did sound serious, and it's not like him to just go and cheat on Angel" Remi says.
"Wait, when did u ask that? How did I not know!" I say.
"It was one of the first times we saw him and we didn't tell u cause we taught it wasn't necessery" Nyla says.

Yeah I get it why they didn't tell me.

"But don't give in easily!" Nyla says and Remi nods.
"I won't" I say. He has to win me if he really wants me back.
"Now let's go to sleep, so we won't be sleepy tomorrow" Remi says and we agree.

So we went to sleep.

The morning came too fast.
I was the first one who woke up, so I went to make breakfast for us.

After a while Remi walks to the kitchen.
"Oh, u're already awake" they say.
"Yes, and morning to u" I say while looking at the pan.
"Oh yeah, morning. What are u making? Remi asks and comes beside me.
"I'm making pancakes" I say and watch Remi's face lit up by hearing what I just said.
"Who said pancakes?!" Nyla shouts as she comes to the kitchen.
Remi and I start laughing at Nyla.

After I stoped laughing I remember.
"The pancakes!" I say and turn to see the pancakes are black.
"Thank god those weren't the only ones" Remi says as they look at the burnt pancakes.
"Yup, well let's start eating shall we?" I say.
Nyla and Remi nod and we sit to the chairs and start eating the pancakes that weren't burnt.

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