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Angels pov

(btw, Angel and Jay have been dating 5 months now)

In the morning

I woke up and found Jay looking at me. I blushed by that.
"Why are u looking at me like that!" I said.
"Why can't I look at my wife" Jay says.
"U're making me look like a tomato!" I say and hit his chest.
Jay chukles.
Then he smiles and says.
"I can see that, we could go to skate today if u want"
"I didn't know u can skate, but I would love to, u just gotta teach me" I say suprised.
"I would love to teach u, and yeah I haven't skated in a while so I never talked about it" Jay says.
"It isn't because of me, right?" I ask worried that I'm the reason.
"Of course not" Jay says and pecks my lips.

After we've done our morning routine we take Jay's skate board and head to the park.

In the park

"Take my hand and don't let go, so u will not fall" Jay says and I take his hand.
"I'm scared, promise u will catch me if I fall" I say and hold his hand tightly.
"I promise I will catch u, don't be scared" Jay says.
I start to gain more speed.
"Look, u're doing great sweetheart" Jay says with a proud smile.
"It's kinda fun" I say.

After a while Jay asks I wanted to try without holding his hand. I agree.

Just when I was going to it someone calls Jay's name.
It's a girl.
Now Jay's eyes are wide open. I wonder who's that girl. Must be someone close to since they know Jay's name.
"Clara?!" Jay says in shock.
"I missed u baby!" Clara says.
Wait, did she just say baby?! So Jay has someone else? What am I then?
I can feel my tears close to falling down but I keep them in my eyes trying not to cry yet.
I mean maybe this was just a misunderstanding. Or then not, no why would it be misunderstanding, I should have known he was just playing with me.
"Wait, I'm NOT ur baby! Angel this is just misunderstanding!" Jay says hurriedly.
"What do u mean ur not my baby?" Clara asks confused.
"Shut up!" Jay says, he's getting angry. Why?.
He continues.
"Angel, let me explain!" Jay crabs my hand.

I try to get out of his grip but of course he's stronger than me.
"Let go of me" I say. I'm getting annoyed.
"No, we will go home and talk about this" Jay says coldly.
"There's nothing to talk about" I say.
"Yes there is" Jay says and starts to drag me to our house.
I still try to get out of his grip.

We arrive and step inside.

We go to the livingroom.

Jay haven't let go of my hand until we're in the livingroom.
"Now let me explain what this is all about" Jay says.
"I don't wanna hear it" I say. I'm trying not to cry.
I start walking to our bedroom.

I was just going to open the bedroom's door when Jay stops me.
"Please, this is just a big misunderstanding! I promise I got nothing to do with her!" Jay says.
"Just let me be alone, even for a while!" I shout. I don't remember when was the last time I shouted.
Now I feel kinda guilty for shouting at Jay.
No, Angel u can't feel bad by that.
But he looks hurt.
No, he desrves that.

I open the bedroom's door and get inside.
I shut the door right infront his face.

I start packing things that I need into my backpack.

I open the bedroom's door.
Jay is still standing there.
"I'm staying at Nyla's place tonight" I say and left the house.
Jay didn't try to stop me.

I text Nyla that I'm staying at her place tonight.
She said it's fine and starts asking too many questions like are u okay? What's wrong? Did something happen?
I didn't answer any of them. I'm gonna explain what happend when I get there.

As I walk to Nyla's place my tears start falling.
The tears that i've been holding for too long.
I can't even see the road clearly cause of my tears.

I start sobbing.
I can't belive Jay cheated on me.
If our thing was even real in the first place...


Hope u liked it :)

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