Chapter 3

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The sky was darkening—the stars appearing above me. The campfire roared, the boys dancing around it. The seekers would return soon. I needed that boy, and it had been days. A dead lost boy is a no-good lost boy, though I had the feeling that whoever was out there was very much alive. I had begun to feel a pull in my chest since shadow return with the boy. It grew stronger by the day. Pulling me towards the forest. I just had to ignore it. I heard hollering from in the woods, and the lost boys excitedly shouted back. I realised, however, that this was not the cry of victory.

"Felix, something's wrong. The seekers, they sound less than pleased." I whispered.

"Yes, I can hear it now." Felix confirmed.

He sauntered off to see what the trouble was. I sat on my log, staring into the roaring fire as the boys waited for the seekers to return to camp. The shouts were louder, strained, and angry.

"Pan!" Felix shouted.

I strode over to where the first of the seekers stood. One had a fresh gash down the side of his face, and another was being held up, an arrow sticking out from his leg. I held Alex's face, inspecting the gash.

"What the bloody hell happened?"

"We never even saw it coming, Pan. He was ruthless and skilled. Calum and Dennis...they're dead." Alex explained.

My face was hard as stone.


"He was in the trees. Cornered us against a rock and just kept firing. We were by a creek on the western side. Someone saw a figure ascend into the trees. Roy, Eugene, and Jonny fired some shots but the boy ran through the trees like he had been born up there, suddenly we were the ones being shot at."

"Did anyone see his face?"

"Only Cal and Den. Cal went over the rock, and we could hear the clash of swords, Den went to help, and we found both of them face down in the mud; Cal had a dagger in his back, and...Den's throat was slit."

"And you let him get away?" I demanded.

"He disappeared like smoke. Pan, we did all that we could; we lost two boys today."

"Yes, two of my best men are dead at the hand of one boy. But you did all that you could." I pouted.

"Boys! Tomorrow you will all hunt for this boy. I want this lost boy found within the next seven days." The lost boys cheered, finally able to hunt. "Bring all the injured seekers in and get them comfortable. Then all of you get some rest. We're hunting in the morning!" Cheers erupted again as I stalked off towards my cabin.

"Pan," Felix said quietly, appearing beside me as usual. "Will we kill him for what he's done?"

"No, I believe he could be very useful."


The sun rose above the horizon, and the boys were ready. Equipped with all variety of weapons, torches, and the order not to kill. I wanted this lost boy alive. They set out in groups combing the island. I travelled solely with Felix. Not so much trying to find the intruder but trying to decide what to do with him. We searched all day long. Traversing from the camp to the Neverpeak and back along to the cliffs above skull rock. Nothing. A full day's hunt with no results left me plenty of time to think but angry that I couldn't yet enact my plans. The sun began to set as Felix, and I returned to camp. Waiting for the other groups to emerge from the forest.

Everyone was soon gathered,

"So, men, you failed for yet another day to bring me this new lost boy. Did anyone find anything at all?" I demand.

Tobias stepped forward. "Yes, Tobias?"

"I found this scrap, clearly ripped from a piece of clothing. The blood is old and dry, probably from the first day they arrived."

"Thank you, Toby. At least it's a start, fresh blood would be preferrable, but tracking using this could give us an advantage." The boys nodded in agreement slapping Toby on the back for his find.

The fabric was relatively thick and cream coloured. It was soft in the spots not covered with blood and dirt. I sent the boys to bed to rest for the day ahead, walking alone to my cabin. Once I closed the door, I inhaled deeply. Breathing in the scent of the blood and the garment. The evidence held two scents. The first was clearly the smell of the fabric itself. Sweet rose perfume. The second was the smell of whoever was hiding from me, Lavender and spring rain. Could a boy have a scent like this? It couldn't possibly be, that isn't possible. I didn't need to analyse the scents, only use them to find this boy. Taking a second breath, the pull in my chest increased ten-fold, and I stumbled through the doors of my cabin.

"Pan, what is it?" Will asked, passing me.

"Get Felix now." Will ran off to find my second in command.

Felix was soon at my side as I fought whatever force was tugging me into the woods.

"Felix, I don't know what's happening. It feels like my chest is about to burst open." Felix took me to my cabin and cast an immobilising spell on me, using the limited magic I'd given him years ago.

"Sleep Pan, you won't move tonight and tomorrow we'll follow this instinct of yours." I nodded stiffly and willed my breathing to relieve the pressure in my chest.

Felix left, and I lay very still. Allowing the darkness and peace of sleep to consume me and my raging thoughts. 

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