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"God!!he is so cute."

"Yes indeed he is." Mukthi and Aliya prasing Abir who born two days back.

"Haan!!Mata Rani gave beautiful baby." Navya said tiredly, Cabir made her sit on bed.

"Heyy Abir see here..haw!!he crying seeing me." Mukthi said making a pout.

All laughed, "Because he must scared of you lady beema." Cabir went and took him in his arms who crying more.

"Mata rani what happened to him?" Navya asked Cabir to give him but Abir shown hands at Nandini who stood at corner seeing all. All saw Abir waving hands at Nandini who stood clueless.

"Nandu he calling you." Navaya said, Nandini glanced at all and walked slowly to Abir who made sound huu ohhh.

Nandini took him into her arms, Abir struggled more into her and slept in a miunte.

"Wow!!He started liking you now itself Nandu." Cabir said, all smiled and seeing them.

Nandini caressed Abir cheek lightly without disturbing his sleep.

"He look like Harshad somewhat. May be all baby will be like their father." Nandini thought, looking at Abir


"Nandu I don't want to distrub you, but he may wake up at night and cry for feed." Navya said to Nandini, as Abir sleeping with Nandini. Cabir and Navya staying in Nandini home till her pregnancy as Chachi and chacha still in state of shock hearing about it.

"No issue, I can manage. Let him sleep here and you too." Nandini said, navay sighed and slept on bed with Abir in his cradle

Nandini slept on her side, but no sleep in her eye. Her hands went to her stomach where her baby sleeping.

"Baby can I say one thing? Please be a boy ok, as your father always say he never had proper childhood, if you be a boy na we can show your father about it and be like him not like me. I want a small manik only ok baby." Nandini said to her baby, but someone else listen this too.

HE stood in corner in dark seeing her, talking with their baby.

His red eyes shown pain, tears, angry, he can't do anything but to be away from her. He saw Nandini eyes slowly dropping and went into sleep.

He walked out of darkness and stood beside her bed, he see a different Nandini, who use to be happy Always, think positive and chubby cheeks went, now it's thin, become week.

His star shine went.

He kneel down in front of her, raise his hands to carssed her hair but stop as he might wake her up. His she went down to her stomach which swollen a bit.

"Listen as your mother say, he had more expectations on me i broken it. At least you fullfil it for her." HE kissed her forehead lightly and caressed her stomach and disappeared from there. Nandini moved in her sleep and wake up to see nonone.

"Why i feel someone was here? Manik.." Nandini looked around but no one to her disappointment. She sighed with tears and slept.


Next morning

"What egg? But Nandu you never eat it." Chachi asked in shock by hearing Nandini asked egg for breakfast with bread, they use to have dosa and idli only.

Cabir and Navya looked at each other and Chachi, "Aunty acutally, Manik use to eat bread and egg in morning. May be she want it." Cabir said shrugging.

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