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Settled at the Temple, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka pondered about Anakin.

"I know it's not really for my knowing, but I would like to know why Anakin is always absent. He seems to have something else important going on," Obi-Wan said.

"I feel as if he always has had something else very important going on in his life. Ever since I met him," Ahsoka observed. "Maybe he's ill a lot."

"No, no, Ahsoka. Anakin's never ill," Obi-Wan said. "You should know him well enough by now that he would tell us if he was."

"Yeah, I guess. But he's never told me that before. He doesn't like being a Jedi? No... he loves being a Jedi and coming here everyday. But what could he love more than that?" She thought for a moment.

"If I tell you this, Ahsoka, you have to promise not to tell anyone else. You may discuss it with me, but only me."

Ahsoka nodded.

Obi-Wan started. "A long time ago, when I first met Anakin, he held an emotional attachment to a very young queen. Anakin and his mother were slaves in Tatooine at the time. The girl was a very beautiful young lady; very polite and well-mannered. As Anakin grew older, becoming a highly skilled padawan, he--"

"Wait, Anakin was a slave?" Ahsoka interrupted.

"Yes. As I was saying, as he grew older, he became more and more emotionally attached to this girl, who was the former queen if Naboo. Whenever we would go on missions, Anakin's mind would always be elsewhere. I would always have to be keeping his mind on here and now. Later, I found out his mind was always on the girl. But I always told him he would be majorly going against the Jedi Code if he were to have a real relationship with the girl. The girl later became a senator for the Republic. But I know he never really listened to me about that."

"Is she still alive?" Ahsoka asked curiously.

"Yes, she is. But to respect Anakin, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you who the woman is."

"I kindly thank you for sharing this, Master. I'm going to go to the Meditation Room and think."

"Alright. Don't have too much fun thinking about it without me," Obi-Wan joked. He got up from his chair in the library and walked to browse the archives while Ahsoka went to meditate. She figured she might be able to find something out about Anakin's past with this girl. More importantly, who she was. When she finally reached the room, she sat down. No one else was in there but her. She closed her eyes, and thought about what she knew about Anakin's past. She knew she was supposed to use the Meditation Room for meditating, not curiosity, but she did it anyway. A senator...a senator... Ahsoka thought. But Obi-Wan didn't say where she was from. She had a feeling that the answer was right there in front of her, obvious. There are few female senators, at least that Ahsoka was familiar with. But which was he close to? Who does he work with the most out of them? Wait a second...Ahsoka couldn't believe she hadn't known earlier! Senator Amidala! The answer was so obvious! It was right there in front of her! This was an exciting discovery, for her at least, but she decided it would be best to keep it to herself. But if she were to tell anyone, for sure it would be Obi-Wan! Ahsoka wondered what their relationship was like now. Even though it was extremely against the Jedi Code, she would always support her Master by not telling anyone (except Obi-Wan, of course) about this. She also wondered if she could get something out of him about it. Probably not. Many times Anakin would place a wall in front of him and never let anyone get past. For Anakin, once something was a secret, it stayed a secret. He wasn't going to discuss it with even Ahsoka, his Padawan. She had so many more questions, but one in particular stood out to her: Why did he leave me in the library to 'study' a ship that didn't even exist? Did he not know it didn't exist, or did he leave me for Padmé? Ahsoka had a lot to think about, but there was another problem--every time she saw her Master, she would think of this. She soon snapped out of it and told herself she had to get back to work. Real work.

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