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Disclaimer: I don't own of the characters in this story. This is only meant for a fanfiction for the fans. I only own the plot the characters are being put into.


Station 51 was in the midst of eating lunch when a call came in over the tones.

"Station 51, a structure fire on 4265 Newkirk Ave. Time out- 12:42."

The firemen sprung to their feet. After Chet shoved the others out of the way, he tripped over an untied shoe lace. Nothing was heard from him, but a grunt. They all scrambled to their gear, then the firetruck rushed out the door.

When they arrived at the burning house, Captain Stanley told the paramedics what they needed to do. "I want you to go in and search the house. The owners are not home, but the neighbors told me it's still possible there could be someone inside."

"Alright Cap," they acknowledged.

The experienced paramedics grabbed their equipment and began putting it on. In the house, as Johnny was telling Chet and Marco what they were doing, Roy immediately began hunting. Johnny would search one side of the house, while Roy would search the other.

As Roy foraged through each room, he felt a chilling sensation run down his spine. If anyone was in this house, their life was in his hands. Whatever it took, he had to find whoever was trapped, if anyone was. He wanted to be quick, but also thorough.

There was barely any fire on his end, but thick smoke filled the air. The smoke blinded his eyes to only about five inches in front of his face. That was rare; usually you hardly see anything, if anything at all.

The burning books on the shelf near Roy were now unrecognisable. Objects, which had a simple outline of toys, were melting away. The firefighter realized this family had all of their belongings destroyed, yet they didn't even know. Somehow with all of the adrenaline running through him- like on every rescue- everything was in slow motion; it made him more aware of his surroundings.

Roy noticed the familiar but unique smell of insulation. He also smelled the rubber of his mask, smoke, and his sweat. Even though Roy's protective turnout gear blocked out some of the heat, it didn't block most of it. He still felt intense heat. Sweat was dripping off his face, which helped to cool him down. Roy heard the crackle of fire like at a campfire, but everywhere around him. Every once and awhile, distant yelling from his fellow firefighters could be heard.

Johnny abruptly yelled, "Everyone out now! It's gonna blow!"

Roy didn't know how he did, but he somehow heard him clearly.

Roy's heart raced faster and faster. Why now? He even wasn't done searching! There simply wasn't enough time. There wasn't enough time; there wasn't enough time to even run out the door he'd come in at the other end of the house. As Roy ran up to a window, he thought about what would happen if he didn't make it. He thought about his wife, kids, and Johnny. They would be miserable without him; he had to get out of this flaming furnace.

He slammed his helmet against the window and jumped through it. The next thing Roy knew, there was a big explosion and debris was flying everywhere.

Emergency!- Why Do It? #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now