Part 3

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At 6 o'clock Hadley rushed her way from the art room to Evie's dorm. She was late to help with Chad. She busted into the room seeing Chad already standing on the pedestal, adorned with his royal blue and fake fur cape.

"I'm so sorry Evie! We ran late with art club." She said as she dumped her books on the bed and went to stand by Evie who was pinning fake fur around the edge of the cape. " What can I do?"

" can you pin the rest of the fur around the bottom?" Evei smiled

" Of course!" Hadley skipped to the table, said hi to Doug and grabbed a pin cushion. She crouched down behind chad and started to pin.

Chad would not stop moving as he danced around on the pedestal. Hadley began to grow frustrated as the pinning was taking longer than it should have. Evie could tell her friend was getting upset and tried to get Chad to settle down.

"What about peacock feathers? Yeah I bet you know one is gonna have those at cotillion." Chad exaggerated.

"Chad!" Evie gained his attention and he finally stood still long enough for Hadley to be able to stand up and finish pinning up the sides. " When I look at you, all I can think of is... king!" Chad gasped and Hadley had to hide her snicker with the pins she was holding between her teeth.

"And fake fur.. fake fur says it all!" Evie gestured to the cape.

" Loud and clear!" Doug deadpanned causing Hadley to giggle harder.

Just as Hadley pinned the last inch of fur to the top of the cape Jay appeared in the door way calling for Chad.

"Why did Coach make him Capitan instead of me?" Chad questioned. " I'm obviously better." He paused before saying " King Chad though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that?"

"Who?" Hadley mumbled through the pins in her mouth.

"Audrey." He choked.

"She would" Evie smiled.

He sniffled as Jay called for him again.

He hopped down off the pedestal and before he could get out of arm's reach, Hadley plucked the cape from his shoulders.

The three chuckled as Chad left with Jay.

"Someone is clearly having some trouble dealing with his break up with Audrey." Hadley chucked as she sat down at the sewing machine to start attaching the fur.

"I've been doing the numbers and after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape..." Doug stopped typing and showed Evie the screen. Her eyes widened.

"Hadley you need to see this!"

When Hadley saw the number on the screen she let out a short screech.

"No wonder people work!"

"What are we going to do with all this money?" Evie looked to Hadley who shrugged.

" Well, I think in the next few years, you'll be able to afford that castle you always wanted." Doug laughed.

"Just as long as it has a best friend wing!" Hadley laughed as she went back to sewing.

Just across the ocean on a small island a boy of seventeen clad in a red leather overcoat, white ripped up t-shirt, black pants, pirate hat and wielding a silver hook; strolled through the streets. Some people ran as he neared them and others just watched and glared as he took something only to toss it to the side not a moment later. Harry Hook, son of Capitan Hook, whistled as he made his way through the Isle, looting as he went. He sauntered his way down the wooden planks of the worn out dock leading to Ursula's Fish and Chips.

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora