Ch.2 Finding out (Past p2)

Start from the beginning

Horu felt like the world was closing in on them, everything seemed so suffocating. She was struggling to breath. 'What the hell was that? I thought this was supposed to be a happy place. Are we all gonna have the same fate as him?' Her heart and mind were racing a mile a minute, she could barely recognize where she was. Wait, where was she? Who was she with? Was she alone? Wait no, she could recall talking to her brother and Itsuki before seeing Hayato.......


Hayato just died. Murdered infront of the trio's eyes. Her friends witnessed it too! Why is it so hard to breath... Wait, she hears....voices..? Somebody is talking to her? What are they saying, It's all muffled... 'I cant tell what they're saying!' Great, a knew thing to freak out about.

A ringing sound made itself known in their ears. Is that what's blocking out the voices?

"Horu! Horu listen to me! Breath in, and out..." Izu said for the however-many-times-he-said-it time.

Horu breath slowly but surely calmed down for the most part, their vision was still a bit blurry from tears but they getting better with Izu whispering calming things to her.

"There you go, can you hear us now?" Izu asked and got a nod in response, "You were hyper..ventilating? i think that's what it was called." He told them.

Meanwhile Itsuki is freaking out, too much is going on and it's making his head hurt. They all just witnessed their friend die to some monster thing after "Mama" said he was getting adopted, they almost got caught and if they did they probably would've also been killed, now Horu is having hyperventilating! That's what izu called it right? And he has a right to freak out since Izu is (trying to) help Horu calm down.

:: :: ::

They were walking back and made sure to avoid everybody (even though they were asleep) in the orphanage so they didn't suspect anything. They ended up sleeping in a corner of the house, they could always blame that and the red puffy eyes on being sad that Hayato got 'adopted'.

Luckily when they woke up in the morning, people were worried but didn't suspect a thing........ Hopefully.

They knew they couldn't stay here if they're just gonna get killed.


It's been a week and a half, they had a small roughed up and rushed plan. They figured out about the tracking devices after the twins somehow remembered their suspicion when they were 4.

They made a small device about the size of a pen, it should hopefully break the trackers.

Where they found the materials for that, I don't know but Hotaru made it with a bit of help from Izu and Itsu.

Their plan was to take Gilda and come back for everyone else when they had a better plan.

It was set:

They would go out when Ma-Isabella gets a package because that's the only other time the gate opens besides when someone gets shipped out.

They figured out that the gate connects to a building and some type of bridge thing, but they don't know what's under the bridge.

They didn't tell anyone anything, they only told Gilda that the place was bad, they couldn't risk her knowing everything and telling mama since she was still young. They had to leave, and they were gonna come back for everyone later.

They would hide in the forest once they got over the bridge, they'd run until they felt like they were far enough to sleep, sleep in tall trees then start running again and repeat the process until they find something.

It was good enough to escape and they should be fine!



Horu found Ray sneaking around and did a little sneaking of her own, under rays bed she came across a loose floor board with a few different devices in it, then it clicked, ray knows. She left some of the extra parts she didn't use for her device in his compartment, then put everything back to make it look like nothing happened.

:: :: ::

She found out ray was a spy, but she knew ray also wanted it get out, so she's glad she left those extra parts there, hopefully it'll help him.


Today was the day they were gonna get out of there.

Let me summarize it for you all:

They broke the trackers after Isabella went out. They ran out of the gate when she got her package, Isabella noticed them and ran after them with yelling at them to stay. Isabella tried telling them "it's okay" and "stay, you're safe here," when she realized that didn't work she started yelling at them to stay, with an almost deranged expression on her face.

it's hard to believe they once saw her as a caring mother. Horu felt the familiar feeling of their ears ringing but kept going, they couldn't just give up. Mama didn't have her stuff to contact headquarters so she couldn't. But their plan had a flaw...

They lost Gilda

Their little sister had to stay in that hell hole of an orphanage without knowing the truth.

They knew they'd have to come back to get her when they saved everyone else.

They kept running and running through the darkness of a tunnel for what felt like forever till they finally saw light. They crossed the bridge which was too wide to see what was under, not that they were paying attention, they were too focused on running.

A shrieking alarm rang out and they ran faster lueen their lives depended on it, it did.

They ran through forest that seemed to have endless amounts of trees and grass. They kept sprinting towards what they hoped was freedom.

Only ever looking back once....

(Word count: 1709)

That's it for the past!

Here's an explanation:

They didn't find out about the wall and cliff thingy since they were too focused on escaping, they were rushing, and they were focusing too much on the gate.

In this story the gate used to lead up to headquarters AND the bridge, instead of just headquarters. After the trio escaped they(headquarters people) got rid of the passage to the bridge, expanded headquarters and sort of just left the cliff as it was.

Gilda still doesn't know, and Isabella put a knew tracker in her ear. Gilda has small suspicions but nothing to really prove it accept for the fact her siblings ran away and almost took her with them.

Hope ya enjoyed this! Go take care of yourself!

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