chapter 4

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Conflict is inevitable, even with the kindest of souls.

I look to my side. I just wanted him to leave, but I knew it'd be better if we were on decent terms at least, I could just make an effort to be mature.

I pause for a moment before replying, "Fine." I lower my arm and he walks past me swiftly.

"I apologize if I disturbed you by coming."

I waved my hand, dismissing the concern. "How did you know my name?"

"The Council told us, when my master was offered to take you on. Mine's Anakin, by the way, thanks for asking." I heard the subtle—no—obvious frustration in his tone, however the hint of humour lightened the growing tension in the room.

"Where is Obi-Wan, anyways?"

Anakin looked down and scratched his neck, worried about the response he had to give. "Master Kenobi has taken on a task in the Coruscant Underworld, he is one of the few Jedi warriors on this planet currently, and the mission was somewhat unexpected."

I couldn't believe it, the one time my master was gone, the Jedi tasked with training me ran off for some local job.
It took a great deal of my energy to control the anger I felt. "Will he return soon?" I ask.

"I would hope so, but if he doesn't, I suppose training you will be my responsibility."

His responsibility? I don't know him, but Anakin is far from having enough knowledge to train me. I fear the council will agree with this statement, as there are no other obvious candidates for training, as my master said. "That would be an unfair decision, don't you think?"

He turns around, somehow amused by what I had just said. "I don't think so, kid, you don't know how strong I am."

I was aggravated to say the least. "I'm not a kid, and I highly doubt someone my age who seemingly doesn't have much more training than me would be capable of being my instructor."

He kept smiling despite my arguments, mocking my defences in the process, I calmed down and realized that it was pointless to argue over this, so I just sat back for a moment. "Perhaps we might have to train together on our own then, since you're so adamant about it," he states as I reverted to my regular tone.

"That will be the Council's decision to make, now if you'll excuse me." I walk past him, in the direction of another room, the kitchen, to catch a break and hold my breath.


Anakin, I think. I heard that name before as well, though I didn't register him as the padawan of Obi-Wan, the amount of times his name was brought up in Council meetings made me think he'd be a much more advanced Jedi.

I recalled my past meetings with Master Gallia at the High Council; Anakin Skywalker was the name muttered, however, some opted to not use his name and instead refer with a term from an old Jedi legend of 'the Chosen One'. 'He who would bring an end to the Sith, restoring peace and balance to the galaxy' I believe the tale says.

To know someone so young could have such significance with the order was somewhat astounding, some would even say he had a Midi-chlorian count of over twenty thousand, unseen in the history of any living being. To have such a connection with the Force was unthinkable.

I poured myself a glass of water and hesitated before opening the door and returning to the common area of the accommodation.

"That took a long time for only water." I regretted leaving the kitchen at this point, but I knew he'd only find another way to criticize me.

"I needed some time to think," I stay silent for a moment before glancing at the door to exit my quarters, "could we walk for a bit?"

"If you want to, it's fine by me."

I finish my drink and set the glass on a counter, he opens the door for me and I walk out to the temple, he follows.

The sun had started to set about a minute or two prior, so the breeze was catching on a bit colder. I didn't mind, it was a refreshing moment to have to think about not fighting for your life or being threatened or stressed, until I remembered I had company.

"So, how do you like Coruscant?" I ask.

"I was never here much, Master Obi-Wan trained me as a padawan since I joined the Order, and we would train pretty much anywhere depending on where he needed to be."

I furrow my eyebrows. "How is that possible? To train immediately as a padawan learner is impossible by the Code of the Jedi." Thinking into it a bit, I suppose there would be exceptions for a Chosen One, but he didn't need to know I knew about that prophecy.

He looked down to think, then back up to the darkening sky ahead of us as we walked through the temple's exterior. "I was too old to join, by those rules. I still do not fully understand why I was taken in in the first place, other than being told I had great potential." He hesitated to tell the rest of the story, then stopped walking and turned to me, urging for me to do the same.

"You're Anakin Skywalker, am I correct?"

He looked to the distance, then back to me. "Yes, so I'm sure you've heard enough about the prophecy the masters refer to so much." I nod, he continues, "Kenobi wasn't meant to teach me, he too was a padawan when his master Qui-Gon Jinn found me, who pledged to take me on as his student," he takes a deep breath before finishing the sentence, "unfortunately his time was cut short, so Obi-Wan stepped in instead."

I then looked down. I've met Qui-Gon before as well, as a child, he was kind to me and other Younglings, so the news of his loss was a great sorrow for most. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, we're past that now." He kept walking and I had to catch up a bit.

"So you don't even have as much training as me?" I chuckle a bit, trying to move on from talking about death.

"It appears so, but that doesn't completely discredit me as a teacher, does it?" He was right on that, I have known many padawans and younglings that would be eternally grateful to have a chance to train with this 'Chosen One', but I refuse to be taught exclusively by someone with only raw Force ability.

"Maybe for someone else, but I believe we'd train better hand-in-hand, as equals."

He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, holding them up for me to see. "Like this?"

I let go and just shake my head in disappointment. "For a Jedi, you should learn how to read a room, don't take things so literally."

He held back a slight laugh before speaking. "All right, m'lady, I didn't know this was a training session."

I said nothing in response, instead walking faster, trying to avoid him as much as I could.

He began running to keep up with my pace. I moved up a bit of the carpet that covered the temple floors from afar, creating a crease that Anakin tripped and fell on. I knew he'd be fine, I only did this to teach him a lesson; Don't mess with me.

I slowly backtracked and walked toward the fallen padawan, helping him to his feet.

"What was that for?" he complains.

I looked up at him, rubbing his jaw that began to bruise, and smirked. "You shouldn't rush into things, Skywalker."

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