chapter 3

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To surprises, the unsung heroes of life.

Two years later

A loud sound of banging on my door nearly woke me up this morning, however, what did wake me was Master Gallia shaking me awake through the Force. "Good morning, Padawan. I see you've slept quite soundly."

I rub my eyes at the sight of her and realize I've made a mistake of some kind. How could I have slept in this late on a training day?

"Master, I apologize for waking so late, I should have been more alert and gotten up at my assigned time," I tell her.

She touches my shoulder lightly, comforting me and calming me as to not let me harm myself with worry. "No need to apologize, y/n, I set back your waking call on purpose, we will not have any training to do today. I must leave Coruscant on a very dangerous mission, I cannot take you, so as to not let you get hurt, or worse."

"But why?" I complain. "I'm strong enough to handle these things and I wouldn't want to lose my own master." I found that I had grown more arrogant over the years, but arrogant out of selflessness nonetheless.

"I understand your frustration, young one," she sighs. "However, I am on strict orders by the rest of the Council to keep you safe, and that includes keeping you on Coruscant. I know you are strong, y/n, however this is a matter for Jedi Masters, not a padawan. You will get to my level of wisdom and training, one day. You must trust yourself."

"I understand." The situation was out of our control, and this might be a chance to learn on my own. "But how will I go about my training?"

"Your concern is valid. I may be absent for a few days, or weeks, at most. Your training must resume, however, an issue has been brought to my attention."

"What is the issue?"

"I'm afraid any Jedi Knights or Masters are either too busy to train a padawan without endangering them, or would rather not take one on at all."

"Then I do not have a chance to continue my training?" I worry. "What if you do not return?"

"I will come back, I am certain. I think it is better you get ready as you usually would and wait here until further orders."

"So I cannot even leave my quarters now?" I ask in despair.

"Padawan y/l/n, this is for the best. For the sake of our Order, for the sake of the galaxy." I nod in understanding as she walks out of my bedroom. "May the Force be with you."

"And also with you, Master." I gave her a smile as she left, wishing her the best on the mission, and hoping for her to come back.

I yawn and walk to the window, the sun is right above the temple, barely casting a shadow. I make my bed, still processing what Master Gallia said. Until further instruction? What, would I be called to the High Council again? Being trained by a member of said council, it's obvious that I was called in a lot, sometimes when it wasn't even necessary, in my opinion.

My main question loomed on how my training would proceed. Adi said it would go on without her for now, but the question was how. If not masters or knights, who would train padawans?

Perhaps I will return to Jocasta Nu, since she is still a Force wielder, just not a violent one. Maybe a lesser experienced Jedi will take me on, or one with another padawan. I heard of that happening in times of war, training more Jedi as soldiers and taking on many padawan learners.

After washing up and fixing my appearance, I put on my robes and sat down in a chair. I chose my maroon robes today, since there was no guarantee I would need to go outside, there was no need to block out the sun. I sat with my legs crossed and pinched fingers over my knees, meditating. That was the only training I had the resources to do without getting hurt or risking danger.

After about an hour of silent meditation, I felt refreshed and grabbed a snack when the comlink on my wrist started ringing. I pulled out the holoprojector in my pocket to reveal a call from the High Council, requesting a meeting involving my training and Master Gallia.


I calmly got up and left my quarters, heading to the Council's tower as I did many times with my master. I arrived as the doors were opened for me and I entered, awaiting my questions to receive answers.

I got news that my master was still alive and doing well on the mission, however an unexpected turn of events would slow her down and extend the mission length to a week or two more. Regarding my training, I would be studying temporarily, until Adi Gallia returns, under a Jedi by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his padawan.

The hologram in the center of the room showed an image of the two, a man in his early thirties with a beard and his padawan, a boy about my age. I was a bit surprised that someone so young who wasn't even a master would take on the challenge of two learners, even just for a few weeks.

I agreed to this, knowing I wouldn't have any other choice except to completely forgo my training.

I had heard of this Obi-Wan a few times before, mainly in Council meetings. I heard he was more well-disciplined and clever than he was a fighter, which I respect, given that fighting always seems like the obvious option so finding ways to avoid it shows great wisdom.

I barely heard of his learner though, only that they were close and he was extremely reckless, which I respect somewhat less, but can understand since teenagers act like that—well some do.


I rushed back to my quarters and ate dinner before someone knocked at the door. Who could that possibly be? I don't remember giving anyone my address for my quarters, unless it's a housekeeper. Or someone accessed the Temple records.

I made sure to fix the small braid in my hair and keep it from being too frizzy by brushing it through with my fingers. I quickly made sure my surroundings were clean and my clothes were free of food, so as to be at least presentable, then opened the door.

The person on the other side was a teenager, a bit taller than me, and seemed recognizable. It immediately clicked in my head that this was Kenobi's student, the one in the hologram.

I don't think he knew exactly what he was looking for when he came here, but seemed content given I was in the right age range to be a padawan.

"Hey, you're Obi-Wan's student, right?"

He put on a blank expression in response and smiled, immediately knowing he found the right person. "That would be me," he says. "Can I come in?"

I guard the door with my arm and shake my head in doubt. "Why should I let you in?"

The boy's smile dropped as he rolled his eyes, not wanting any confrontation, but willing to stir the pot. "Obi-Wan sent me to check in on you while he's busy," the padawan sighs. "Apparently we aren't mature enough to take care of ourselves."

"Speak for yourself, I'm doing fine here." I go to shut the door but he uses the force to leave it open.

"Y/n, wait."

How did he know my name? I turned back and sighed "What now?"

He puts on a smirk and asks again, "Can I come in?"

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