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"Hey Ry" I said softly, trying not to blow anything. I always sucked at faking sick, but this is different, right? All I need is to lay on the couch and act tired. It can't be that hard.

"Oh, you're awake!" He replies, setting his things down and coming over to my side. "How are you feeling?"

I purposely wait a few seconds before answering, rubbing my head with my hand.
"My head still hurts, and I didn't get much sleep. I think I'm gonna go to my room to try and take a nap."

"Ok, do you want me to help you walk there?"

"I'm fine, Ryan." I snap, looking directly into his eyes.

Why is he pretending to be nice to me?


I sat down in my bed, but instead of sleeping like I said I would, I pulled out my computer and began searching the internet.

How to poison someone?

I wasn't going to kill Ryan, all I needed was him to be sick for a few days. Then I would have enough time to think things over. I didn't know if I should tell the police, keep it to myself, or wait and see what Adam would do.

He's halfway across the country visiting his friend, and not coming back until next week.

I clicked on many different websites, nothing much was coming up. I guess this type of information wasn't free. I carefully closed my laptop and leaned back onto my bed, turning over to look out the window.

Maybe if I just dumped some random chemical on his food, it would make him sick enough to have to stay in bed. I wouldn't have to worry about him trying to murder me until Adam is back.

I know there's rat poison under the sink, I can use that.

But how would I make him eat the food? I can't just make him dinner after he tried to kill me, that would be too suspicious. I'm supposed to be sick and tired right now.

I sat up from my spot on my bed.

That's it, i'll make it look like it's my food. He loves eating my food, especially when it has my name on it.

I crept over to my door, careful not to make any noise. I cracked the door open to see if Ryan was anywhere to be seen, and sure enough, he was nowhere.

I tiptoed to the kitchen- halfway for dramatic effect and halfway because I didn't know if he was in his room or not. It was now or never.

I searched the fridge for anything that he liked, and pulled out some random chicken from a few days ago. I set it on the counter and opened the cupboard, looking for a glass container to put it in. I put the chicken in it and poked at it a bit to make it look like I had some of it. I nodded to myself- it was almost perfect. All I needed now was to add the poison. I crouched down to reach under the sink, pulled out rat poison, and set it on the counter.

Just a little bit. You don't want to kill him...


I dropped just a bit on it, and watched as the poison soaked in with the food. I couldn't help but frown, I didn't want to poison my own brother, but this was the only way I knew how to get him to stop coming after me.

I closed the container and took a sticky note off the the fridge, quickly scribbling my name in black pen. I stuck it on the container and looked at it for a second.

Am I really about to do this?

I have to do this.

I stuck the container in the fridge behind the milk and shut the door closed

Now I wait.

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