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Ryan's POV

I slammed the door shut to the bathroom, my brain fuming. How could he be alive? There was enough poison in that grass to kill 100 sheep, literally! I set myself down against the bathtub, my hands running through my hair. I need a better plan. I cant keep living like this.


"Jack, have you seen my weed?!?" I shouted, shuffling through my drawers.

"No?" I heard, then footsteps came to my door, getting louder and louder every second. I stood up and turned the doorknob, the door revealing Jack. He looked guilty, and the whites of his eyes were red.

"Did you take it?"

"No?"  He said, sporting the dumbest smile I have ever seen. I slammed the door shut on him. It's the 5th time this week.

*ok back now*

I've had enough. I wasn't expecting him to go into the garden that fast, it wasn't ready yet. The sheep weren't supposed to be there either.

*nother flashback lol*

I stared out the window, amazed by the clear sky. Jack and Shay should be back any minute now. Maybe Jack would get heatstroke and die. That would be nice. My attention shifted to something moving in my garden, the sheep that were in there were welcoming someone into it. Who was that? Jack? It's definitely him, and Shay is with them too. This isn't supposed to be happening yet. It's not ready yet.


My pizza must be ready. I stepped away from the window, opened my bedroom door and rushed to the kitchen in hopes of stopping the annoying dinging in time. The smell of oven baked pizza filled my lungs, and I smiled to myself as I took it out. I took out a plate and put two pieces of pizza of it. I quickly ran back to the window, hoping i didn't miss something too big. The sheep were nowhere to be seen, and the only thing in the garden was Jack and Shay. Jack was lying on his back unconscious while Shay frantically licked his face and barked in hopes of catching someone's attention. I have to go get him before Shay causes a scene. I set my pizza down, grab my shoes, and head down to get my stupid little brother


I needed a bigger, better plan. I took out a small pad of paper and a pen from my back pocket and began writing.

ryan's poisonous gardenWhere stories live. Discover now