Chapter 32

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Y/N's POV:
We were approaching my parents house and I was nervous, so incredibly nervous. What if they didn't want me anymore? Or they didn't approve of Wanda? I was so stressed. Wanda and I sat in complete silence the whole way here with Jord sat in the back making jokes and talking at us. I wondered if Charlie knew about us.
"Hey Jord did you ever tell Charlie about our powers? I think he should know. He's your date to the wedding right?" I ask my brother.
"I never told him. It's wasn't my secret to tell but I would like to before the wedding if that's ok?" He replies.
"Of course he's basically family now anyway," I affirm. As we approached the drive I was terrified. Wanda and I both tensed up. We had no idea how this was going to go.
"Alright it's now or never," Wanda says as we get out of the car. Mum and Dad run to hug us before we get to the front door.
"What are you two doing here? I thought Jord was getting a coach home," Dad asks.
"We need to talk to you about something," I respond.

We head inside where Wanda and I start to pace trying to think of the best way to start.
"You're going to give me whiplash if you keep doing that just tell us," Mum tells us.
"Ok so you know Wanda and I work at the same place well we are sort of part of... the Avengers," I bite the bullet.
"So you know Thor?" Mum asks. We both laugh nodding.
"But I thought you had to have powers to be a part of the group," Dad said. We both nod.
"We do have powers. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's easier for us to just show you I guess," I sigh. Wanda and I start levitating the table in front of us. They looked shocked.
"We can also sort of read minds and I have super speed," I explain.
"I always knew you washed the dishes too quickly," Mum laughs.
"So are you ok with us having powers?" I ask almost ashamed.
"Of course it's ok. You can't help that you have these things. I'm just glad you're using them for good," Mum replies reassuring us.
"I just wish you would've played sports at University you could've gone pro. Also how fast is fast?" Dad asks. We spend the afternoon basically showing our powers to my parents. They were like party tricks. I was so relieved they accepted us.

Wanda's POV:
A week later we were having our bachelorette party with all the girls and Jord. It was going to be quite the night out. We were heading into town on a LGBT bar crawl. The plan was to start out at a bar watching a drag show, then do some drunken karaoke before we head to a gay club. Carol ordered us these brilliant t-shirts mine and Y/N's said bride to be with a rainbow flag behind it everyone else's said I'm with the brides with a rainbow flag background. Carol's made her shirt extra special with Maid of honour written in big letters on the back with a picture of her posing. Jord organised for the limo to take us into town. I could already tell it was going to be a messy night.

Seeing our T-shirt's the bar brought us over free shots before the show started. Y/N sat close to me with her arm around me, Valkyrie did the same with Carol and Monica making us laugh did the same with Jord. I couldn't believe how talented these artists were. It was so entertaining and they got Y/N and I up on stage noticing our T-shirt's. Y/N was embarrassed so I kissed her on the cheek making her relax. If we completed their tasks we could win another free drink. They had a massive wheel on it with trivia categories. The category was songs written by women about women. I left the answering to Y/N as she was a lot better versed than I was.
"Ok if you want a woman to know you're a lesbian subtly which artist do you ask them if they listen to?"
"Girl in Red," I yell excitedly. I actually knew that answer. Y/N smiled at me sweetly kissing me.
"You two are so cute it's disgusting. Go and sit down. We'll bring the drinks to your table," the Drag Queen joked. We downed our shots and headed to the karaoke bar.

The karaoke bar was quite small, we grabbed our drinks sitting at our reserved table. Y/N wasn't best pleased about the thought of singing in front of people. I'd called ahead and asked if they could get in 'You'll Never Walk Alone' as I knew she felt comfortable singing that song. A few minutes after we sat down the woman came over with two trays of shots there was enough for 3 each.
"Compliments of Fury," the waitress said. We couldn't believe he had called ahead and ordered us shots. He really valued Y/N and everything she had done on missions though Carol claimed it was because she was his favourite.
"Babe will you sing please?" I ask her.
"Only if you come up there with me," she suggests.
"You've got a deal but I'm only singing the chorus ok?" She smiles nodding.

Within a few minutes they call her name. She takes my hand and we walk up to the microphone. I could tell she was nervous. Our whole table were cheering really loudly. When the music started she took a deep breath before she started singing. She sounded perfect everyone was swaying their arms. As she finished everyone got up and cheered asking for an encore. She picked a song she knew I had heard before 'Don't go breaking my heart' for us to duet. I started to get nervous but as soon as she started singing my worries vanished and we just enjoyed ourselves. When we sat down the adrenaline was still pumping through my veins.
"Holy shit Y/N we've been best friends since we were 7 and you never told me you could sing," Jord said impressed. Carol and Valkyrie refused to sing which I think was for the sake of everyone's ears they're very out of tune when they drink anyway. Jord gets up singing 'Born this Way' with an entire dance routine it was extremely impressive.

When we got to the club everyone was pretty drunk even Carol was, something we hadn't really seen before. Y/N and I decided not to drink anymore as we wanted to enjoy our evening remembering every second. The others did not have that idea. Y/N and I were not looking forward to looking after them in the limo home. We must've been there all of 5 minutes before women started to hit on Carol. You could see Valkyrie start to get angry.
"Alright she's hot we get it but she has a girlfriend who's right next to her so can you just back up and leave us to enjoy our night," Y/N stated getting them all to leave us alone. Carol and Valkyrie thanked Y/N and we continued dancing.
After a couple of hours Y/N and I went out to the smokers corner for a bit as we got too hot. I sat on her lap as there was no where else to sit.
"Thank you," she whispered. I looked at her confused.
"For what?"
"For making me sing earlier that felt really good. You make me feel so special," she says gazing into my eyes. I kiss her gently.
"Honestly I love hearing you sing. I wish you'd record yourself so I could listen to it on repeat. Anyway come on Y/L/N we've got some babysitting to do."

We head back inside and there was mini podiums all over the place which you could get up and dance on. Y/N and I took one podium and the others stood on another one. Dancing with Y/N was one of my favourite things to do. When she was drunk she stopped caring, we both did. I start to dance against her in a drunken haze. She kisses my neck from behind me. I craved her. Using the fact that everyone else was a little too drunk we dragged them into the limo home. Valkyrie was passed out on Carol's shoulder. Jord and Monica had opened the roof and were enjoying themselves waving at strangers. I was sat on Y/N's lap and she was staring at me smirking. I read her mind and all I can see are images of us together her kissing all over my body in her head. This limo needs to hurry up.

As soon as we got back to HQ. Y/N and I shout goodbye and she whisks me away to our cabin. She shuts the door and I jump up wrapping my legs around her waist kissing me lustfully.
"How about we make your thoughts a reality?" I ask her smirking as she throws me on the bed. She climbs on top of me kissing me full of craving and passion. As she kisses up and down my neck I get impatient.
"Stop playing around Y/L/N," I instruct her.
"Tell me what you want," she teases me smirking.
"I need you please."

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