Chapter 12

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It was finally the day of my adoption. I woke up early as I hadn't slept much anyway. Wanda stayed in her bed last night as I told her I'd be too restless. I must have changed my outfit 5 times. What do you wear to these things? A blouse and trousers? A dress? I had no idea. I decided on the blouse and trousers as that was what I was most comfortable in. If I was going to be part of their family I was going to be myself. That's all they ever asked of me. I tucked the letter than they had written me into my pocket. Too nervous to eat much I had a slice of toast and some orange juice to keep my energy up for the long drive ahead.

Having not long finished my breakfast I hear a knock at the door. I open it to the auburn haired goddess that I was lucky enough to be dating.
"Are you ready?" I nod grabbing my car keys making sure I had everything I needed with me. Too nervous to sit in silence I connected my phone to the radio playing a sing along playlist. Wanda knew me so well I didn't mind singing in front of her, even when I was sober. We both sang along quietly to the music. Just knowing she was next to me settled my nerves a little.

I turn the music down as we approached the courthouse. As I park I realise I have no idea what to introduce Wanda as. My friend? My mentor? My girlfriend? We hadn't really labelled whatever this was. Wanda noticed me tense up and put her hand on mine.
"What's wrong babe?" I turn to her raising my eyebrow at the 'babe'.
"I'm sorry it just slipped..." before she could finished I kissed her. I liked my new nickname.
"I like it. There is one thing that's bothering me. What do you want me to introduce you as?" I ask nervously not knowing where we were at.
"Hmm. You know I was planning on asking you to be my Girlfriend tomorrow but I guess now will do too. That being said Miss Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend?" I smile as I nod kissing her.
"I think I'm ready. Let's go babe." She started laughing as we got out of the car. I held onto her arm to steady myself.

We head inside the old plain building searching for Jord, Jen and Phil. The receptionist instructs us where to wait hoping to see them as we round the corner. As I do I see them smile. All my worries washed away. They did want me. I wasn't here because they felt they had to.
"Hey kiddo. Who's this?" Phil asked me.
"This is Wanda, my girlfriend," I say pleased at her new title. She starts to blush.
"About time," Jordan says making us all laugh. Wanda shakes Phil's hand and gives Jord a hug as well as Jen who insists on one. The clerk calls us into the judges chambers. They checked the paperwork was all in order. The ceremony itself was quick. We had to sign the papers to confirm it with half an hour I was now one of their family. They had a photographer take a family photo at the end of the ceremony. I hated photos but this one I didn't mind so much. It was finally my reality I had a family.

As we leave the room I find myself confused what do I call Phil and Jen now? Everyone notices me start to slow my walk.
"What would you like me to call you?" I asked shyly.
"Whatever you feel comfortable with," Jen said smiling.
"I'd like to try calling you Mum and Dad if that's ok?" They both gave me a hug and teared up nodding. To celebrate the ceremony my new parents took us for a meal to some fancy restaurant.
"So how did you two meet?" Jen asks intrigued.
"We met at work actually she's one of the people who helped to train me. She's the best employee the company has," I explain taking Wanda's hand. Wanda smiles at me giving me a kiss on the cheek. We go on to tell them all about our first and second date and what we had planned.
"Your daughter is quite the romantic," Wanda says.
"She certainly doesn't get that from Phil maybe she can give him some tips," Jen replies causing Phil to roll his eyes. I had taken some pictures on my phone of the decorated room which I showed them. When I moved in with them they started to support my club just as much as I did so they loved it.

The lunch was so special and my family loved Wanda. Who wouldn't? She was perfect in every way. The meal was the perfect way to celebrate the adoption. They got to know Wanda and she got to know them too. I couldn't have asked for a happier day. When the time came to leave I felt unsure of using their new names it felt strange.
"Drive safe honey," Jen said. Ok Y/N you can do this.
"Bye Mum. Bye Dad. Thank you for the meal it was perfect. Jord don't be too annoying while I'm gone," I say getting into the car. The new names feel strange but right. Wanda thanked my parents graciously for the meal.
"They really like you. I mean how could they not?" I say holding her hand.
"I know how hard today was for you. I'm so glad I could be by your side. I'm proud of you." I look at the girl just having to kiss her. She looked beautiful. She was beautiful in every way.

When we got back to HQ everything was a little too quiet. I went to the kitchen to get some water and was greeted by balloons, a massive card and a cake all saying congratulations. I became very emotional.
"Thank you everyone," I say holding back the tears.
"Aw look at Y/L/N she's really a big softy," Sam replies.
"Who can still kick your ass," Peter interjects. I was really appreciating the new confidence he had around Bucky and Sam. He now gave as good as he got as he knew he had us for backup.

We all had a slice of cake and they asked me all about the day leaving out the girlfriend bits of Wanda and I. We weren't ready to be open about it yet. I didn't want anyone to know until I had a chance to tell Wanda that I loved her. I had made plans for tomorrow. I have ordered red roses, champagne and written little notes and put them in a jar listing all the reasons I loved her. Yes I am a romantic sap. Doesn't mean I can't still kick Sam's ass. I just hope Wanda loves me too. I know it was soon and I didn't want to rush it but the timing just felt right. Guess I'm fitting the U-Haul stereotype yet again.

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