Soon black clouds moved in from the ocean, and rain fell heavily. Forked lightning flashed from cloud to ground, and thunder boomed. Clark's nose wrinkled at the first whiff of ozone. He moved closer and followed Faora and Non as they moved along a path near the Castle. Faora removed a small device from her purse. She pushed buttons. Clark realized she must have a control that could access the breaches caused by the Maelstroms. He walked behind them, unnoticed because of the rain and thunder.

Faora pushed buttons on the control and a portal appeared. Through it, he could see Midtown Park in Metropolis. Faora and Non walked through the portal and Clark ran after them. The portal closed behind him.


Metropolis was sunny and calm, with a few dark clouds in the distance. Clark breathed deeply, feeling the yellow sun strengthening him as he followed Faora and Non. Soon he was strong enough to take them. He shifted into the Superman suit for the first time in weeks.

They turned down a side path through the trees and Clark moved. He jumped Non, knocking the giant unconscious. He caught Faora and took the control from her.

"Superman." She grimaced. "How did you find us?"

"Luck of the draw, Faora," Superman said. He couldn't fly yet. "Walk to the Castle." He slung Non over his shoulder.

He waved down a police car patrolling the Park and had the officer call STAR Labs. Soon Barry and Labs agents arrived, taking Faora and the conscious, but groggy, Non into custody.

Barry stepped aside with Superman. "What happened? Why are you back? We gave you a cover story that would explain your absence forever."

"Long story. I'll tell you back at the Lab. Short version. There are still breaches between the Zone barrier and other dimensions. Zod and his allies have a device that makes access easier."

Barry's eyes widened and he nodded. Clark handed him the control and Barry examined it briefly.

"I can't fly yet, so I'd like a ride to the Labs."


Clark was debriefed at STAR Labs, and spoke with Barry and Emil about the new dangers from Zod and his allies in the Phantom Zone. It was after midnight when he went to a room assigned to him at the Labs. He stared at the phone for a while, and called his parents in Smallville.

"Hello?" Martha answered the phone.

"Ma. It's me."

"Clark? Clark? What happened, son? Where are you?"

"I'm at STAR Labs in Metropolis. Can you get Pa on the extension?" Clark rubbed his eyes. He was drained.

Jonathan picked up the phone. "Son? Are you all right?"

"I'm OK, but not back to full super abilities yet." Clark pushed his hair off his face.

"Where's Lexy? Is she all right? Is she with you?" Martha asked.

Clark's voice broke. "No-o, Ma. She's on Earth1." There was a long silence.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"Some of it. The Maelstrom is still making breaches between the Zone and our Earth and, I learned today, no yesterday now, Earth1. I followed a couple Kryptonian villains back and turned them over to the Lab. It was the only way to warn the Justice League Zod was planning to escape and invade Earth."

"Oh, Clark. Oh, my poor boy." Martha said. "What are you going to do next?"

"Help the Justice League and the Lab seal the breaches in the Zone. Barry and Emil think they can work out a way, but it may take a while. It's got to be done, or Zod will escape and there'll be a war across the United Planets. I had no choice but to return."

Martha said, "Then what? Will you return to Earth1?"

Clark shook his head, although his parents couldn't see him. "No, Emil says I'll be here on this side. She'll be there."

"My dear son," said Martha.

Clark's eyes grew damp. "It's necessary, Ma. Lexy and I knew I couldn't stay there and let Zod start this war."

"Want us to come to Metropolis?" Jonathan asked.

"No, we're working 24/7 for a while. I can come to Smallville the day after tomorrow for a few hours. I need to see you."

"Of course. We'll be here," said Martha.

They talked for another hour. Clark said goodbye, for they needed sleep. He laid in bed, staring at the ceiling until he fell asleep, and dreamt of Lexy searching for him. He called to her, but she couldn't hear him and he lost her in his dreams.

Son of Krypton, Daughter of EarthWhere stories live. Discover now