Minhee realized the time was ticking and they had missions to complete which will never be done if they stare at nature and do nothing. 

"Let's go! We have tasks to finish" said Minhee.

Yongseo nodded and they walked towards the bus stop.

Before they reached the bus stop which was 5 minutes away, they witnessed the bus passing through them.

Yongseo thought that they could never catch up with the accuracy of the bus so it was best to take another one though it would take hours.

While Minhee started running. The only thing Yongseo could do was watch Minhee run.

Minhee noticed the punny girl wasn't bothered that they would miss the bus so he shouted, "RUN! YOU LAZY PYGMY MARMOSET! YOU SURE DON'T WANNA MISS THE BUS!" 

"Let's just take another one! I can't surely catch up with the bus or even YOU!" said Yongseo louder enough for Minhee's hearing.


"COME-ON! RUN? AGAIN?" shouted Yongseo.

"YOU WON'T KNOW UNLESS YOU TRY!" shouted Minhee.

Yongseo let out a squeal in frustration and started to run as fast as she could.

As she expected she could not catch up with Minhee and why would she go beyond her expectations to beat a bus?

She saw Minhee already getting on the bus while she thought she was a mile away. It looked like the bus started it's engine to speed off and start it's velocity. 

Yongseo thought she would never make it but still put her full energy on running as if she was taking part in the Olympics.

Soon Yongseo reached the bus, Minhee was waiting at the entrance and pulled Yongseo to the bus as soon as he saw her coming.

They took their seats. Yongseo was exhausted and panting as if she was a fish who was taken out from its habitat. 

"Stop being over dramatic," said Minhee, judging Yongseo's reaction.

"Shut up! It's all your f-fault. You made me t-this exhausted" said Yongseo who was taking big gulps of water from her water bottle.

"Jeez. Do you know how to be grateful? If it wasn't for me, you would have missed the bus" said Minhee rolling his eyes.

"Waiting for hours was WAY more better than a horrible tiring run," said Yongseo.

"And I am eating these cookies. These will not be shared!" said Yongseo.

"Sure," said Minhee.

After a few seconds of Yongseo enjoying her cookies, Yongseo felt a little bad since Minhee also put his energy on running the olympics finals.  

"Can I have one?" asked Minhee, who was defeated from his ego because his hunger and mouth teamed up. 

"Ok" said Yongseo, who was about to ask Minhee if he wanted one. She was relieved that Minhee asked from the front. 


Serim and Beeda reached their bus stop without any trouble. Beeda seems to be very excited and happy that she got paired with Serim as she realized she had a small crush on Serim since 2 years which is a deep secret of hers that not even Yongseo or Jiwon knew. If they find out Beeda had been hiding her feelings for the past two years, she would be dead meat.  

Beeda was also on the other hand serious and nervous about their destination and mission. She realized they had been waiting for the bus to yeet them off to their destination for about 15 minutes which was almost 6 hours to Beeda.

"Doesn't the bus management know a quality called 'punctuality'?" asked Beeda who was turning impatient every second.

"It's ok, they can be delayed due to reasons you know. Slow down" said Serim who smiled at Beeda.

Beeda's sensitive heart towards Serim was about to explode like when three atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs exploded together. 

"Here, have something cool to drink" said Serim offering a sprite bottle to Beeda.

At this point, Beeda was blushing internally and wanted to shout it out so loud that even the Uranus might want to plug it's ears. 

Beeda accepted the sprite and drank quietly. 

The bus arrived and they sat together. 

"Did you watch the latest episode of Rick and Morty that just came out like two days ago?" asked Serim.

"You watch Rick and Morty too?" asked Beeda who was surprised as she discovered they shared something in common.

"Yep! And I know you watch it too" said Serim.

"Yes I did watch! I am not a person who will miss a single episode of the legendary series for lollipops" said Beeda.

"Hey Rick, what about the reality we left behind?" said Serim who was expecting the correct answer from Beeda.

"What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is, don’t think about it." said Beeda who deserves to be rewarded for Rick's mimicry. 

They laughed it off. 

"Do you remember when Rick turned himself into a pickle?" asked Serim.

"Yeah! How can someone not remember that? It is one of the most iconic parts of the series!" said Beeda 

According to Beeda that why she fell for Serim was because he was understanding and very patient when Beeda loses her all the senses she has. Serim was extremely caring, honest, kind and all the good qualities that a perfect boyfriend should have or at least what a girl asks for God to shower the blessing upon them on their birthday wishes, new year wishes, shooting star wishes, heartbreak wishes and all other wishes that a girl wishes for. Serim is also a person who makes jokes a lot which makes sense or not Beeda would always laugh internally if no one laughs or just chuckle when everyone else around her laughs. 

Their journey for the day continued with fandoms, random opinions, dark and insensible jokes, a good time, a red colored blushing face, a heart with infinite number of beats, systematic and pulmonary circulation of the blood were taking opposite turns and kidney failure(wait what? Let's not go this far 😅)

"Why do you look so lost?" asked Serim. Beeda finally returned back to the dreamlike reality of hers as she was lost in her dreamland.

"Uh-what?" Beeda asked.

"You seem to be occupied out in your space" said Serim.

"Uh-yeah. Sorry" said Beeda.

"What were you thinking?" asked Serim.

Beeda's heart dropped and was bouncing like the concrete floor suddenly turned into a trampoline. 

"Are oranges called oranges because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because orange are oranges?" Beeda just spit some random thoughts so she could escape the situation.

"You were thinking of that?" asked Serim raising his eyebrows. 

Beeda nodded quickly.

"Well, orange is derived not to refer to the colour of the fruit, but to the bitterness of its skin. Orange as a colour adjective dates from the early 16th century; therefore we can say that the orange is called orange because it is orange, as well as orange is orange because of the orange" said Serim.

"Oh" said Beeda.

"What was the question again?" Thought Beeda while her brain was still processing to understand Serim's answer.


Hello, I hope everyone is doing good. Stay strong if you are not, you are not alone. Thank you for reading this chapter.
How time passes so fast. Let's support Cravity no matter how roads go rough or smooth in the future.

Stay tuned! 😄

-rookie author

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