Four of the boys decided it would be fun to do a cooking stream while they were together. Sapnap and Karl were on one team, Bad and Quackity on the other. Dream sat out for obvious reasons, and George just said he was too tired. Dream did notice small purple caves under the boy's eyes, but tried not to question it too much. They sat behind the camera, a large space between them, sometimes adding in funny commentary.

Bad struggled to turn on the mixer and Quackity swatted at his hands.

"You're a dumbass Bad move out of my way" he joked around, earning disapproving remarks from Bad. George wondered who thought it would be a good idea to pair them together.

After they had mixed all the ingredients together, the boys stuck their cakes in the oven to bake. Karl and Sapnap's batter was still extremely clumpy, especially since they thought it would be a good idea to add marshmallows.

"Your batter looks like ass" Quackity called them out.

"Yeah, well, YOU look like ass" Sapnap snapped back. The diss wasn't very good, in fact it was awful, but Karl threw his head back in a fit of giggles anyways. The other boys laughed purely at Karl's giggle. It was so contagious.

"I think both of your cakes are gonna taste like shit either way" George remarked in a thick British tone, earning a small chuckle from Dream. George didn't swear often, and it made him smile like an idiot. George looked over at him, and a slight smirk appeared. It made his stomach do backflips. This is the happiest moment he's felt in days, and it was from the boy who broke him. He rolled his eyes at the irony, yet felt a painful wound carve itself deeper into his heart.

After about 30 minutes of bickering amongst everyone, the jingle of the timer broke them out of it. Bad leaped for the oven mitts, wanting to pull out his cake first. It had a nice golden colour, and the texture looked pretty good. He cheered as he showed his partner the outcome. Karl and Sapnap's cake, on the other hand, was very crumbly and looked gross in some areas.

"This didn't come out very well" Karl said with a slight hint of real disappointment in his tone.

"Well, I think it's great because we did it together" Sapnap beamed, throwing an arm around Karl. The rest pretended to gag and vomit at the friendly but cute action.

After releasing the cakes from their pans, the boys got to work at decorating. Bad and Quackity decided on white icing to cover the cake, and then began creating Rat's face on the top. Karl wanted his cake to be unicorn themed, and Sapnap caved to make the boy happy.

They attempted to decorate for the next half an hour, a lot of insults and arguments being thrown around. Quackity eventually took red icing and smeared it on their cake, trying to resemble the death of Rat. Bad screamed at him and slapped his shoulder, asking,

"How could you do this to my sweet little Lucy?!?!"

"She's not sweet she's the devil" Quackity said matter of factly.

Karl and Sapnap's cake was now a muddle of rainbow colours, turning it gray. Sprinkles, marshmallows and gummy bears covered the top. The two smiled proudly at their creation.

"Okay you guys have to taste test" Karl said, pointing at the two boys behind the camera.

"No thanks I'd rather not vomit" George exclaimed with a disgusted look.

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