The end

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Yayoi apologized to Yuuka for putting the mask on him , Yuri and Mayu heard this and stood in shock. Then they pulled out their gun and shot Yayoi with their remaining bullets, Y/n stands in shock after witnessing their loved one die in front of them, Yuuka shoot Yayoi one more time. Y/n gets on their knees and starts staring at the body with their eyes wide open, Winnie hears all the gunshots from the 8th floor and starts running up the stair case that leads to floor 9, she pulled out her gun while approaching the room she heard all the gunshots from, she was too late. Yuuka, Yuri, Mayu already left, she saw Y/n staring at the body or Yayoi. Y/n then breaks the glass to the room they are in using a gun with no bullets, Y/n jumps off the building. Winnie starts running towards where she jumped to see a smiling Y/n but she was also shedding tears while falling down, Y/n hit the bottom and died.
                                  The End

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