.⋅ ☾ ⋅. xi .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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The situation felt familiar as the three of them sat around the coffee table facing each other in discussion.

"It is a delight to meet you, Yeonjun-ssi."

The said male nodded with an awkward smile and looked back at Taehyun who seemed to have been staring daggers at the other prince but immediately averted his gaze when he turned around — a flustered mess.

"So, I assume you do not know about the lunar-bridge." Soobin folded his hands, resting it on the table.

Taehyun replied a little too fast, "Of course I do."

Tilting his head to a side he rose a brow, "Then you know about the time limit,"

A small nod was all he could get for a reply.

An exasperated sigh escaped the taller boy's lips. "Do you realize how dangerous it is, what you did?"

Yeonjun just stared between the two of them making a conversation as if he wasn't there at all. Okay, maybe he did try to blend into the background and disappear from the intimidating aura of the newcomer but he wasn't going to tell them that.

Being on the sidelines was good once in a while.

"I know." he repeated. "I know how dangerous it is."

"Then why did you go out in the full moon when you knew you might be lost in the time rift when you could have gone out any other night?" His voice was surprisingly calm for words that seemed to hold some amount of frustration.

"You think you have the right to ask me while you stand right before me in the same timeline as I?"

The pink male looked up from his place at the taller boy, who's eyes were big in bewilderment unable to utter a single word after that.

In a moment, his eyes went back to normal with a small smile playing on his lips. "You really don't know, huh?"

Taehyun frowned at that. "What do you mean?"

"Not many know about this since the formation of lunar bridges is so rare but— if the trigger of its formation is meddled with, it causes an imbalance. You might get stranded here forever—"

"Being stranded here is better than to be used like a rag doll for their own benefit." he spat, losing his usual calm demeanor, but the other stayed the same — like water to the fire Taehyun was.

Yeonjun could feel the difference in the way they interacted with one another. It wasn't like how it was with Beomgyu nor was it the same as how it was with him. The air around them seemed heavy, like he shouldn't be there. Yet he didn't move a muscle and stood his ground.

When Taehyun said those last words, a hint of a butterfly began fluttering in his stomach

"—that imbalance caused your lunar-bridge to meddle with mine on the new moon night. It caused the rift to pull me in to where you are. Why else do you suppose I am here?"

Taehyun's eyes went as wide as saucers upon this revelation. He froze like a statue and Yeonjun felt his soul crack at the sight.

"I— I didn't — I didn't know that..." his voice suddenly turned ever so feeble from the bold voice earlier, dripping with guilt.

All the eldest wished for was to wrap his arms around him to ease down the worry. Before he could even move, a long hand stopped him in his place.


Yeonjun glared at him, ready to put up a fight if he hadn't opened his mouth. "He was engaged to me not only because the Queen had asked me to. I've known the Prince ever since he was born— their kingdom is too large to be uninformed about it. There are a very few people who have their moons lined up in the perfect angle and phase to complete each other—"

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