.⋅ ☾ ⋅. ix .⋅ ☾ ⋅.

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Days turn to weeks and Yeonjun only feels himself more drawn towards the blond boy. Each time he giggles, he feels the entire world light up in a splashes of pinks, oranges and yellow.

Over the time, he had learnt about the way things worked around him— yet his curiosity was insatiable. Taehyun would still pop up with the most random questions and Yeonjun would take his time to sit down and explain it to him.

The kiss from that day had been swept under the rug. No one mentioned it— as if nothing had happened. The older male had hoped that maybe, he would talk about it, or if he could do it once again but once again he was reminded of that book.

' There is a time limit.'

He would only bring himself pain if he kept giving his heart away to someone who would go away soon let alone not love him back the same.

So he decided to distract himself with other things. Well, those other things somehow, included Taehyun.

It was almost like teaching a child, filling their little minds with the beautiful details of the world.

But for Yeonjun, it was like filling the other's heart with little pieces of himself in hopes that he would cherish them later.

A week ago, they went out to eat. The street was jam packed with people on a Sunday and the crowd seemed to have blocked every path towards the cafe. So the two decided on street food, which Taehyun was so willing to try.

When they reached the market, the sight of the numerous tiny lights reflected in his glossy eyes like little stars, his shy dimples made an appearance. Yeonjun wished he could kiss them.

So he settled on pinching his cheeks, causing the other's eyes to crinkle and erupt in a fit of giggles. "Come on, little prince." he pulled him by his arm into the crowd. "Let's fill up your tummy with yummy food."

Soon they found themselves in front of a tteokbokki stall. Yeonjun ordered two servings for each of them while Taehyun looked open mouthed at the hot vapor rose from the plates they were handed.

The moment he had his first bite of the fishcakes, his eyebrows rose in surprise. "This tastes impeccable!"

Yeonjun just laughed at the way the blond boy balled his little fists in excitement upon trying every new dish. The older may or may not have taken this opportunity to feed the blond male in public, not caring about what the others would think.

They went around and had several kinds of food to bless their taste buds and just enjoy their time outside.

He didn't forget to finish it off with a set of sushi — Taehyun's personal favorite. Just watching his face crinkle in the most endearing way at relishing the flavor didn't fail to make his heart flutter.

At the end of the day they reached an isolated part of the beach, far away from the crowd where there was no one but the two of them, the noise faded away into the crashing of the waves.

The gentle sound of the waves along with the song of the salty breeze blend perfectly like music. The reflection of the crescent moon looked breathtaking like it was out of a painting.

"Hyung, thank you for bringing me here." he looked at his feet covered with sand, sitting on it.

Yeonjun shook his head, "It's nothing really. You seemed to have enjoyed a lot tonight,"

"I did." he whispered, "almost felt like one of those meetings I was meant to have with the other prince..."

Yeonjun didn't speak a word, so he continued. "Hyung, what do you think love is like?"

The former's heart sped up at the mention of love and ears turned red. He was internally thanking the gods above for the darkness where the other wouldn't be able to see him clearly.

Letting out a loud exhale, "I don't know, Hyun." he looked up at the starry sky thinking about his own feelings. Was it love that he felt or infatuation from being lonely? It was a whole jumble of emotions in his chest he wished he could get rid of.

But the same feeling was addicting, he was turning greedy at the cost of his own heart.

'Calm down Yeonjun' , he told himself.

He thought about it. What did he feel?

All those past moments with him played in his mind like a movie. Somehow all the focus was on the times when he smiled wide, or the times when he broke into a fit of giggles.

It was beautiful, it felt exhilarating to know he was the reason behind the smile that appeared on his face all this time. It was like the twilight in the meadows on a spring day when dews form themselves on the leaves and the flowers. That was the first half.

The second half is the one who brings in the sunlight, shining on these flowers piercing through the dew drops like shining crystals. The light is warm but the wind is cool and right at that time, there is an enchanting harmony formed between the two. That feeling of refreshment, and new experiences— that was love.

Was it really how he felt because no one had taught him about it before.

It felt so different from the usual flirting he did. This one, he felt scared at the thought of losing his light— the one who made him shine so bright and now he was afraid of the dark that would take over if he left.

He didn't tell him— his heart was too cowardly to say it right to the person he had found love in.

Just being in the presence of the other made his heart feel full. So he let it remain that way lest he ruined it.

Maybe the sun would end up shining so bright that would dry off his dew drops. He'd rather keep it to himself.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☾ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

this is soon coming to an end  >.<


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