There was no word from his mom's end either. That only meant that she had gotten to work. 

Keefe started to question his mental stability. Then again, everyone else who had been on the jinxed mission didn't seem any better.

The interrogations from the other team members were torture. Once, Biana couldn't even handle it and passed out. 

Tam caught her. Under normal circumstances, Keefe probably would have given them endless teasing. But these weren't normal circumstances. At least till Foster returned, nothing would be.

He was sitting on his bed, wringing his fingers together, contemplating on whether or not he could handle another of Ritz Cracker's temper issues when a knock came on the door.

It was Agent Forkle... Surprisingly. Unfortunately, he came with a disturbed expression on his face.

Instantly, Keefe was completely alert. "Something wrong?"

Forky waved a hand. "Not wrong, so to speak... But something... Important. And given your previous extremely close relationship with Sophie- " he gave Keefe a suggestive look. "-I figured you'd appreciate being the first to know."

Of course he'd appreciate being the first person to know! What the heck was this old wrinkly dude talking about?!? 


"I received an anonymous note. By, urm, pigeon... " Agent Forkle frowned and took out a small piece of crumpled paper. It was about the size of a palm, and read:

The Neverseen's guard has been let down.

Help will be provided, to assure a safe mission.

If you want to save your Moonlark, break in and do it.


The tonight was underlined. "Wait, tonight as in like, 12 hours from now?"

Keefe's heart slammed against his chest when Agent Forkle nodded. 

"Are we- Are you actually going to let us do it? Knowing you guys, you'd probably think it was a trap or a practical joke or something."

Forky sighed. "None of that. We have... An informer in the Neverseen. I haven't located who it is yet, but we've been receiving anonymous notes about a year ago. And I have my suspicions. In short, it's worth a shot. "

"I- Who's going?" The emotions that swirled in Keefe's chest were impossible to read. On one hand, he was desperate to get his Foster back. On the other hand, part of him wondered, What if it was too late?

"Biana, Tam, Dex and Linh."

When Keefe opened his mouth to argue, Forky gave a hint of a smirk and added. "And very obviously, not missing you out."

Keefe blew out a breath. "So... tonight."

Forkle nodded. "Tonight."


"Anyone else getting really horrible deja vu right now?" Biana whispered. 

Everyone nodded. Apart from Linh, who shrugged.

"Let's just run over the plan one more time guys," Keefe urged.

"You sound like Sophie," Linh giggled.

"Are you two dating?" Biana chroused. 

Keefe was glad it was dark, so no one could see how red his cheeks were. "Shut up, this is not the time!"

The Spy In You (A Sokeefe Spy AU)Where stories live. Discover now