chapter number fourey

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when he finished he looked into my eyes and said. " come to my house tomorrow"
i already knew where his house was so i said "yes please sugar plum"

the next day:
i woke up with george's left arm hugging me so i gently placed it off me trying not to wake george's left arm up. i went downstairs and thanos reminded me to go to wil wils house. i already knew that and i didn't need stupid thanos to remind me so i shot him three times in the head. i've had enough of that pair of bollocks. i put on a furry suit and stole a bike to get to willys house. i got to his house and walked into his garden. i could hear something in his house, it was a funny sound, it sounded like... willy bur bur was having sexy time with george's right ear!
i was frustrated and angry and deadly.
i could go on a killing rampage.

authors note: if you have time you could maybe very possibly leave some comments ;);;))))

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