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Lucas was in the tower as always researching defense and protection spells.

While still inspecting the gem, a few minutes ago he and athanasia decided to go outside after lucas is finish to find a safer duplicate,
incase lady margarita wants to see the princess wearing her gift.


A few minutes passed and lucas was able to find new information, turns out the gem contain some highly dangerous particles of dark magic. Still the source of where a girl like Jennette can get that kind of magic is still unknown.

-it's almost time to get the duplicate- lucas thought to himself.

Finally lucas organized his stuff in a flash, then went down to meet athanasia.


He found athanasia sitting on a couch, with the tables already prepared with caramels.
"Oh, hey lucas! Took you long enough, I've got caramels prepared for you" Athanasia greeted.

He say down, "Of course." Lucas started "Your great magician found some new informations."

"Oh really? Then what is it?"

"I'll tell you later. " He replied, "didn't you say we're going to the market?"

Athanasia stood up, "right, I wouldn't forget. And check this out"

Lucas watched as athanasia used her magic to modify herself. Now she has short black hair, and brown eyes.

"Oh you finally figured it out? Good then, I can save some magic" Lucas commented.

"I know right?! Hahaa!" She proudly stated (as in to show Lucas she's a fast learner).

Lucas chuckled,
"What?" Athanasia asked what he's laughing about.

Lucas took a mirror, "it didn't even last a minute"

Her magic was fading and turned her into the old athanasia, "gah! Don't laugh at me, let's not waste time and go!"

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