alpheus resident

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"Yes your majesty, the princess will be perfectly fine as long as I stay by her side." Lucas voiced politely to the emperor.
But athanasia can already look through him and that he only wants to annoy her.

The emperor nodded, "Felix, get the carriage ready." He ordered. "Yes, sire." The knight replied then left.

Athanasia stepped up, "thank you daddy! We'll be back at least before 6 from the Alpheus residence" She spoke cheerfully.

Claude smirked, "then it's a good thing you bring him." He looked at lucas's direction.
Athanasia turned around and saw the magician give out the same smirk.

"Thank you, your majesty. Princess, we should head to the carriage." The magician once again put on a polite expression.
"Yes" The princess replied.

[Time skip, in the waiting room]
Athanasia placed down the glass of tea that was prepared, "you're lucky this time, lucas!" She voiced. "Ahaa! What's the big deal anyway, it's not like I'm gonna blow up this place" He replied cheerfully.

Lucas leaned back further on his seat, "but that chimera is kinda sketchy." He continued.
Athanasia's eyes widened, "well..she is born from dark magic, and misunderstood things often." Athanasia stated while whispering.

Suddenly the door opened and came in lady margarita alongside ijekiel. "Good afternoon princess, we apologize for making you wait" The silver haired spoke, not noticing the magician sitting at the other end.

"There's no need for an apology, sir alpheu-"
"I'm here too, you know" Lucas said looking at ijekiel and jennette.

"O-oh! My apologies, sir lucas!" Jennette apologized.
"...Yes, I didn't see you there" Followed by ijekiel

"Lucas! I'm sorry miss margarita, duke Alpheus! He's normally like that!" Athanasia spoke.

Lucas chuckled. "Let's just get on with the tea party, shall we?" Lady margarita asked.
The princess nodded and got up, Lucas followed her.

"Eep! You two, stay here or whatever you want to be until you two get along. Let's go, miss margarita." The princess command. "Right!" Jennette replied.

She can tell that lucas didn't expect to be left alone with his rival, while ijekiel kept a straight face, "of course, princess." They both said in different tone. After that the girls left.

The gentlemans stood there awkwardly, until eventually lucas headed to the small bookshelf and grabbed a brand new sage green book from the shelf.

While ijekiel stood there just watching whatever the magician is doing. Eventually he decided to break the silence, "newest version of the senior spells book,I see." Ijekiel said.

Lucas turned from pages to pages, "throw out this book, the mind reading spell has a 60% chance of breaking someone's mind. " He explained annoyed.

Ijekiel looked confused, "may i ask how you know that?" He asked.

Lucas looked up at him and made eye contact, "because I'm smart".

Of course that made ijekiel annoyed but Lucas is the Royal magician after all.

Lucas got up again and stretched, "this is boring" Lucas complained. He looked at ijekiel and smirked.

"Hey whitey junior, stay there!" Lucas commanded and made a circle motion on the tip of his finger.

"huh? W-wait!" Ijekiel thought that Lucas was going to jinx him, but nothing happened. "... What did you do, sir luc-" Ijekiel was cut off

Lucas grabbed the silver vase on the table, "Taadaaa!"

Alter [who made me a princess AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang