Start from the beginning

elizabetholsen: harperadler what😀

username: i was worried about them i'm so happy they're okay

anthonyrusso: As always, Tom, your acting and drive is phenomenal. Ms. Adler, your work on this film was spectacular.

harperadler: anthonyrusso thank you, anthony

chrishemsworth: good to see you two in person, you're both significantly less annoying

tomholland2013: chrishemsworth thanks for the love man

username: i'm so happy their happy, they deserve one another

harperadler username thank you for saying that <3


"Harps, do you want a drink?" Sebastian called out to her as she sat on a couch, laughing with Elizabeth.

"A dry martini please. Thank you, Seb!" Harper yelled back to him. She turned back to Elizabeth, who was already giggly from a few drinks and extra loving.

"God, I'm so happy you and Tom are alright," Elizabeth sighed. "I was so worried for you two, it felt like something in the air was so off when you guys weren't talking."

Harper nodded in agreement. "It felt like their was a fucking hole in my chest," she murmured as she gestured to herself. "I- I don't think I ever thought that I could feel this way so deeply about anyone, and yet here I am."

Elizabeth clicked her tongue and squeezed Harper's arm. "Harper, you deserve every single good thing coming your way."

"I second that statement," Sebastian agreed as he sat on Harper's right. "As much as I hate admitting it, I love you guys together. Speaking of the little shit, where is he?"

Harper gestured towards a high-rise table, where a clearly tipsy Tom was laughing heartily with Robert and the two Chris's. Her eyes fell onto the man she knew she loved, and going against everything she had taught herself, she felt extremely sappy.

Sipping her drink from Sebastian, she stood up, flattening out her dress. "I will bid you two adieu, as I have to go make out with Spider-Man now. Peace," she said as she threw up a salute. Sebastian and Elizabeth both shot her the finger, giggling as she sauntered away.

Harper slowed her pace once she got to the table, Tom seeing her and nonchalantly wrapping his arm loosely around her waist. Tom looked down to her, meeting her eyes. Tom knew how he felt about Harper, knew that he loved her. But he had never really known whether it was reciprocated, until now.

The way she looked at him, made him feel like the only person in the room.

The way her eyes shined even in the dark as they scanned his made his stomach knot, his heart clench, and his body tighten.

All he could see was the woman he loved, and how far they had come.

"Sorry guys, but I've come to steal Sticky away from you all," Harper said in a faux-sad tone as Robert and the Chris's sighed.

"Harper, this is the only time I've been able to stomach him. Are you sure you want to ruin it?" Chris Evans asked in a singsong tone.

Harper rolled her eyes. "I can't imagine how incredible getting along with Tom was, but it's over now. Adios!" She yelled as she yanked Tom's arm along with her. He stumbled, barely keeping up with her as she raced through the hallways, and into a stairwell.

She stopped momentarily, but only to read the sign next to the door. "C'mon Tommy, hurry the hell up!" She yelped as she began to trek up the stairs. Tom had just enough time to read the sign, which showed an arrow, pointing to the words, 'To The Roof.'

Tom sped up after her, reaching the door and pulling it open into a balmy, 78 degree Los Angeles night.

"Harper Adler, you're fucking nuts. How did you know this was here?" Tom panted as he ran a hand through his hair. Harper's laugh rang out as she pulled him closer to her.

"I feel like roof's are kinda our thing. Had to make sure we were on one when I said this." Harper smiled as she brushed the hair out of her face. Tom visibly shifted from foot to foot, his nerves taking over. Harper caught on, grabbing his palms and interlacing his fingers with hers.

"Thomas Stanley Holland, you know I like to talk."

At this, Tom let out a barking laugh, causing Harper to lightly kick his shin.

"Sorry, sorry, love. Continue."

"As I was saying," Harper cleared her throat, "You know I love to talk. About anything, about nothing. But I want you to understand that I mean every ounce of what I'm about to say. Deal?"

Tom nodded his head, watching as a tooth-filled grin appeared on his girlfriends face.

"Good. Tom, I owe you the largest fucking thank you. Honestly, I don't even know if a thank you is enough for everything you have done for me. When we met, I was so fucking lost. I was trying so hard to get over him, trying so hard to find my place in the world. So much of my time was spent trying to figure out what was wrong with me, asking myself what I wasn't doing to make myself happy."

"It turned out, the way for me to get there was letting you into my life," Harper mumbled as her voice got lower with emotion. Tom placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing his finger over her cheek bone as she composed herself.

"I remember this conversation I had with Sebastian. I was trying so hard to figure out why I was feeling so purposeless, so empty. And then, somehow, we became close. Close than I ever imagined. All of a sudden, I was telling you about my star-fish, freaking out to you over museum exhibits, even fucking ranting about my stupid Harry Potter obsession. It was like, the action of letting you in, letting you see what I am like, helped me figure out my life and what makes me happy."

"All of this, everything I'm saying, is me in way too many fucking words trying to say again, and better, that I love you, Tom. Loving you has allowed me to find myself, and grow, but has also allowed me to be who I am, unconditionally. I love you, and I thank you, Tommy." Harper finished, tears streaming down her cheeks as she took in a deep breath, not able to look into his eyes yet.

Her chin was pulled up to look at him, and she saw what she felt reflected back in his eyes. Tears covered his cheeks, his eyes tinted red.

"I know I said it once in that parking lot, but I promise you every time I do, It means more and more everytime. I love you with everything in me Harps. You're my world."

And there they stood, on the roof, the Los Angeles sky in the background.

In love.



my final chapter before the epilogue.

i hope take a second has treated you as well as it is treated me, and i hope it makes you happy in some way.

i love you all.

TAKE A SECOND - tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now