Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I am," Harper apologized. "I've been really distracted today, Grandpa. What where you saying?"

Robert rolled his eyes.

"I was asking you if you wanted to eat extremely expensive food with me and the group."

Harper gave a slight shrug. She knew that group meant cast members, and cast members meant Tom.

Lately, she had been feeling conflicted over the way she had handled things. She had the right to be angry with Tom; he went behind her back, even though he thought he was doing something good.

But she had shut him out, shut everyone out. Harper knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but it was safe. Less people, less heartache and problems. She was snapped back to reality when Chris came walking over, patting Robert on the shoulder.

"Yeah sure, I can come."

"Great!" Chris exclaimed, clapping his hands together in excitement. He and Robert shared a look, turning back to Harper at the same time.

"What was that?" she questioned.

Chris and Robert looked at one another again, and looked back to Harper.

"What was what?" Chris challenged as Robert slapped the back of his head. Harper shook her head back and forth.

"Old people are fucking weird. You'll have to remind me tonight why I hang out with you guys." Harper huffed as she walked towards stage left.


"You are taking forever, Adler. Let's go now," Anthony pleaded with Harper, who was in the middle of stuffing all of her shit in her bag.

"Fuck, who's got your panties in a twist, Mackie? Give me a minute," Harper reasoned.

Anthony rolled his eyes as Harper finally fell in step with him as they walked out of the studio. Everything was in place; Harper just didn't know it yet. As they walked, Anthony noticed Harper's demeanor. Hunched shoulders, tired eyes. He knew that the past two weeks had been hell — anyone with eyeballs could've seen that — but he sincerely hoped that this would bring Harper back to the condescending friend he knew.

Harper pushed open the door, holding it open as Anthony walked through. She hasn't seen it yet, but only a few yards away stood Tom in front of a white 1937 Buick, holding a bouquet of wildflowers.

"Alright Mackie, let's go get hammered and —"
Harper had turned around.


"Hi, Harps."

Harper turned to Anthony, who just gave her a small smile and wink. He turned on his heel and walked out of the parking lot, leaving Tom and Harper alone with one another.

"W-what's going on, Tom?"

Tom shifted from foot to foot, finally meeting Harper's eyes. Even from a yard away, Harper could see the redness in his eyes.

"This is me, making up for my mistake." Tom slowly walked toward where Harper was standing. "I fucked up. God, I fucked up. I went behind your back, not thinking about how it would affect you mentally or emotionally. These past two weeks, you were all I could think about. I wasn't sleeping, wasn't eating because I knew how much I hurt you, and that this wasn't something easily fixed." Tom's voice became lower with emotion, and he rubbed his hand over his face in stress.

"Harper, you are the single greatest thing that has happened to me. Fuck getting Spider-Man, meeting you, someone who is so spectacularly unique and loving and personable is so rare, and yet here we are. Our friendship, which started as weird and unusual turned into this, this amazing feeling where I wake up everyday still in awe that you care about me. I can't even begin to show you how sorry I am, but I hope that this could be a start." He finished with a sigh.

There was a beat before Harper felt she could speak, having trouble finding the words.

"I know you're sorry, Tommy." Harper whispered as she moved closer to him. She found herself reaching for him, pulling him into a hug. Harper could feel his hesitance; he wasn't expecting this, least of all a hug. Tom melted into her, his arms wrapping around her sides as she pressed her face into his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, the way it sped up as she hugged him. There was no taking back her next words, but before she knew it they were spilling out of her mouth.

"I love you, Tom." Harper whispered as they broke apart. "I love you so much, it's fucking crazy."

She watched as a beaming smile crept onto Tom's face, his eyes bouncing back and forth between hers and her lips. The next thing he knew, he had swooped in, his lips enveloping hers.

It was like warmth had returned. Harper felt her skin heat up as Tom's hand snaked into her hair, his other hand twisting around her shirt, pulling her closer to him.

They kissed with a sort of urgency that was apocalyptic. Harper didn't want anything, anything but the feeling of Tom's lips on hers.

They broke for breath, chests heaving as their foreheads pressed into one another's. Harper felt a giddy feeling overcome her body, as if balance had been restored.

"I love you so fucking much, Harper Adler. You are everything to me."



only one more chapter + the epilogue before take a second is over.

a fucking journey it's been :)

love y'all <3

TAKE A SECOND - tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now