chapter 2

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The picture up top is what Kip looks like.

A cybertronian slave ship was leaving Cybertron going to a distant planet to sale slaves. From within one of the ships cells a large silver and blue cybertronian was chained to the cells wall. The poor mech had tears running down his faceplate from crying. He was taken from his twins side not to long ago, and he could still feel the pain from his spark. He just wanted to be with his brother.

"You Alright in there youngling?" An older mechs voice was heard startling the poor mech. The voice came from the cell nextdoor were a old black and white mech sat listening to the younger mechs crying.

"Y-y-yes, I'm fine." The younger mech said stuttering from being startled.

"You don't sound like it." The older mech said not believing the younger mech one bit. The silver mech sighed tucking his legs closer to his chassis.

"You want to talk about it with me." The old mech asked him hoping to help the younger mech. The younger mech thought about it. Then shrugged his spiked shoulder pads not seeing the harm in it.

"I just......miss my twin. You see we've never been apart from each other, and it really hurts my spark to be away from him like this." The young mech stopped talking as he had fresh tears in his optics thinking about his brother. The older mech frowned in sadness at the young mech. He felt really sorry for the poor mech. He thought about on what he should say to him. Then the old mech smiled knowing what to say.

"I'm sure you two will see each other again. All you need is to have faith in yourself , and you will find him." The young mech looked at the cells wall were the other mech was.

"You think so?" He choked out still crying a little. The older mech hummed  nodding his helm.

"I know so, because twins always find each other no matter how far and were they maybe. They will always find each other. As long as you have faith in yourself. Ok youngling."the older mech finished listening to the younger mechs response. The young mech stared at the wall for a few moments. A small smile started to came to his faceplate feeling a little better with the old mechs words.

"Thank you." He whispered softly feeling his spark ache less. The older mech smiled softly glad he helped the young mech.

"I'm called Drill by the way. What about you." The young mech smiled. Happy he made a new friend like Drill.

"I am Leron."

End of flashback

Leron groaned in pain as he slowly online trying to remember what had happened before he went to dreamland. Once he remembered that  the ship crash his optics widened, and quickly sat up hitting his helm under the control panel.

"Fragging pit that hurt!" Leron cried out in pain from hitting his helm on the controls. Slowly rubbing his helm with his clawed servo he heard a small squeaks coming from his chassis. He looked down to see Kip looking at him with amusement in his little optics making squeaks that sounded like laughter.

"Not funny." Unamused by Kips amusement of him hitting his helm on the controls. The little kit kept on making his squeak like laughter at the unamused look on the mechs faceplate. Leron just rolled his optics smiling a little at his little companion amusement.

"Let's go see what damage is on the ship shall we." Kip nodded after he was done with his laughing fit jumping off of the mechs chassis.

Leron slowly started to crawl out of under the control panel as well as groening at his stiff frame from being in a small cramped space. Stretching his joints he looked around the ship seeing the mess he's going to have to clean up. Sighing he started to clean around the ship making sure that nothing was broken from the crash. Luckily only a few things were broken, and it was nothing he couldn't fix.

After the ship was cleaned he went to check the systems. To his relief and disappointment most of the systems were still working, but the engine systems were Beyond repair and he didn't have the spare parts to fix it. Looks like his stuck here on this organic planet for a while just great.

Sighing in displeasure at his findings. He looked over at Kip who sat the controls also not happy about the findings.

"I guess our search is on hold for a while." Sighing and rubbing his faceplate.

"Scrap, I really wanted to slap my brother in the faceplate as soon as possible too." Mumbling through his servos in disappointment. Deciding that complaining about it wasn't going to do any good he started to activate the cloaking systems for any other cybertronian wouldn't locate them and the ship.

"Remind me to thank Drill for the upgrades on the cloaking systems they are flawless. Like all his other upgrades." Smiling at the thought of his old friend. The old mech has always had the nag for inventing things that are quite useful especially for situations like this. He also had quite the temper when ever one of his inventions broke or didn't work.

Chuckling a little at the memory of the old mechs temper knowing full well if he was here Leron would probably have his helm welded to his aft for crashing the ship. Smiling a little at the thought he went back to checking the systems.

"Mmmm everything seems to be in order. The only thing that's not working is the engine systems. Everything else...... I can easily fix." Sitting down Leron started to think about the predicament he was in. He was on a organic planet with a organic species called humans that probably doesn't know that his kind exist. Maybe he should do some research on them for he could blend in more. Nodding his helm at the idea he looked over at Kip who was still on the controls looking at him.

"What do you think Kip should we do some research on the inhabitants to blend in more?" Kip just squeaked in reply jumping onto his lap rubbing against his chassis. Chuckling Leron scratch under the kit chin.

"Glad you agree with me." Looking at the screen the mech started tapping going to the human internet.

"Let's see what we find shall we?" With that the long hours of research began.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter and in case you're wondering Leron  is pronounced le-RON just in case you were confused. See you guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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