practically pornographic

Start from the beginning

"CUT!" Liam yells. He storms onto set and grabs Jake by the wrist leading him far away from Louis. But Louis and all other crew members can still hear him yelling.

"DO YOU NOT READ YOUR CONTRACT JAKE?! DO YOU NOT READ YOUR SCENE OUTLINES?! YOU ARE FIRED! YOU ARE NO LONGER AFFILIATED WITH PORNHUB GAY OR STRAIGHT NOR ANY SITES CONNECTED OR SPONSERED BY PORNHUB!" Liam roars furiously his finger is pointed right in Jake's face and Louis feels a great deal of comfort in the fact that they are so strict with outlines and safe words and limitations at Pornhub.


"Thanks, Li." Louis mumbles as he rolls his jeans up his legs back in his dressing quarters.

"Of course, Lou. That was ridiculous. I can not believe his arrogance!" Liam exclaims. Louis nods because neither can Louis. It's a known fact that if a red is abused on set you are dropped from PH and any of it's affiliations.

It's in the damn contract for Christ sakes.


After a day like Louis' had he feels he rightfully deserves a bottle of wine and Grease night. Maybe some ice cream too. He's not sure yet.

He pulls up to store in his Silver Jaguar C-X75 - parking it in two parking spots, because yes, he is that guy- and struts through the front doors heading straight for the wine section.

He meanders through the aisles, hands reaching out to brush soft rugs and bathmats. Fingers clasping around hanging shirts he fancies that he picks up and sets in his arm basket because, may as well.

He's halfway to the wine section when he realizes he can no longer carry the arm basket easily. It's so full of clothes and snacks that he has to struggle to hold it with both hands. He stumbles through the shoes section and is turning past some glittery boots when he smacks into a hard wall. Sending him cascading to the tile floor with all his items in various states of disarray around him.

It's only when he looks up from his landing spot that he comes to find the wall he ran into has big, mortified green eyes and a lovely blush coloring its perfectly sculpted face.

"Oops..." Mortified-Wall-Man squeaks. Louis just stares stupidly at the beautiful creature before him, holding his breath and refusing to blink because he's slept with over 500 men and none of them have been this attractive. He's not sure anyone is this attractive. And Louis is best friends with Zayn Malik.

"Hi." Louis breathes. Harry stares back at him and then shakes his head as if to wake himself up.

"Um, hi." Harry says in a slow butter like voice that is doing things to Louis' insides. Things like melting.

And then he's squatting down, thighs spread in his black skinny jeans to help Louis pick up his items. His pink polk-a-dotted shirt is unbuttoned nearly halfway and when he bends forward Louis catches a glimpse of a gorgeous six pack. His already unsteady breathing hitches and he breathes out a whimper. Harry's head flies up and his forest green eyes lock with Louis' oceanic ones, man-bun flopping on top of his perfect head.

"You okay?" He asks softly.

Oh good Lord almighty he thinks I'm injured from the fall.

Louis just nods and stares dumbly some more. His stare only intensifies as a dimpled grin graces Man-Wall's flawless fucking face.

Gay Gay Gay GAy Gay Gay Gay. Louis prays in his head.

"I'm really sorry about that. I saw some boots I liked and just went straight for them. Really didn't mean to knock any pretty boys down." Harry muses.

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