"Just because I never like the boy doesnt mean he deserved to die."

"What is this sudden attitude about?"

"You! You get me so upset, I dont know what to do with myself! I know you dont care about what I say or how much I yell at you because I know you wont listen!" He stepped closer to me again, shortening the distance between us.

"Then make me listen." He whispered.

"Why. So then I frustrate myself because you arent really listening? Or because you dont care." He stared at me like my words finally offended him.

But he still never said anything. In fact he started to move away from me. "Where the hell are you off to?"

"Well I'm assuming your done yelling at me so I'm leaving."

"What? Why?"

"Because there is nothing else to be said!"

"Then yell at me!"

"You want me to yell at you?" I nodded my head. "Why."

"Because I dont want you to go." He stared at me for a moment, seeing as my anger formed into tears unnaturally. But he never spoke a word about it.

Instead he walked up to me and slammed his arms around me. Even though I basically asked for it, my first instinct was to push him away.

Especially because it was him. And the reason of me not liking physical contact. But when he held me, it felt natural and safe. So I didn't fight it.

I nestled into him, feeling his warmth and taking it in.

I dont know how long we stood there for, but I felt his grip loosen slowly and then he finally unwrapped his arms from around me. I wanted to tell him to put his arms around me again. That I liked him being here with me and that when he touched me he made everything ok again. But I couldn't.

He brought his warm hand up and laid it on my cheek, then put a small amount of pressure on it to make me look up. When my eyes met his he didnt have any reaction. Usually he would smile or wink or something. But this time there was nothing. He brought himself into me again and kissed my forehead. His lips were super soft.

"Maybe I should take you to the Salvatores." He said, the name stuck out in my head from when my father taught me about Stefan Salvatore the ripper when I was younger, but I didn't know them.

"I dont know them. Plus, why would you want to send me off to a ripper and his insane brother?" He looked down at me, this time there was a smile on his face.

"Your right. You know you what you should do? You should, like, never leave my side then. Because this is ripper country... and if your not careful," He quickly spun me around so my back was up against his chest, he held my wrists down by my waist. "You might get bit." He whispered the words into my hair, then proceeded to kiss my neck instead of biting me.

I moved away after a moment of enjoying his lips on my skin, but I didnt want to punish him, and he knew he wouldn't get one. I face him again and he still hand his fingers around my wrists.

"What are you not telling me."

"The people you are trying so desperately to fit in with, those are the Salvatores and their friends."

"Oh." He giggled at my shock but I didnt spend too much time on the topic. "Still, how are you going to get me there? I'm not walking across town to get there and I'm not teleporting myself over there."

"I have my own magic." He smiled.

"Not a lot. You used almost all of it up during the merge, dont waste what you have left on getting me someplace I'm not wanted. It's not worth it." He leaned into me again, whenever the time was right it seemed like he always had enough room to get closer to me.

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