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Tilly knew the moment she moved into the house with her mother and stepfather, something wasn't right.

 She gripped the box of her belongings closer to her as she stared at all of the intricate details of the house, admiring the beauty. 

Even if she felt uneasy in the home, she could tell that whoever built the home wanted it absolutely perfect. It was beyond perfect in her eyes. She was knocked out of her daze as a voice cleared their throat behind her. She turned quickly to see a mover with a box full of their belongings, waiting in the doorway for her to move. 

She quickly apologized and moved aside, walking further into the house.

She ignored the shrieking of her mother and the apologizing of her new stepfather and walked up the creaky steps to find her room. She found a open room with a small bathroom directly across the hall and saw that some of her boxes had already been placed in the room, along with her bed frame, mattress, and her dresser. 

She rolled her eyes, assuming her mom had been the one to pick her room. Which automatically meant it was the smallest and probably the ugliest.

Her mother had a personal vendetta against Tilly. 

Tilly never did anything wrong; it was just the fact that she got all of her looks from her father, and she was absolutely beautiful. Tilly's mother longed for the beauty and body build her only daughter had, and being the selfish self-absorbed person she was, she hated Tilly for it. Tilly always got more attention than her, despite her shy, caring and timid personality. She was a light that drew people in. 

When Tilly's mother finally found Max, her new, successful husband, she planned on putting out the light that was Tilly, just so she could enjoy her time with Max, without fear of Tilly getting all his attention.

 Once the opportunity arrived, Tilly would be out of the picture.

Tilly placed the box she was holding onto the bed, and opened it to pull out her turntable along with a few of her favorite records by the artists ABBA, Fleetwood Mac, and Joni Mitchell.

 She placed them onto the dresser and immediately put one on to play, her anxiety creeping in due to the white silence of the room. She closed her eyes, smiling and swaying in her flowy skirt to the sound of Andante, Andante by ABBA flowing through her speakers. 

She pulled her long curly brown hair into a braid and made her way downstairs to get the rest of her belongings.

She took around four trips up and down the stairs bringing up her boxes to her room before going back down to see if her mom and Max needed any help unpacking before she stayed in her room for the night. Even if her mom hated her, Tilly still didn't want to leave them with too much work.

She walked into the living room and looked up at the sparkling chandelier, smiling at its beauty.


She looked over to her mom and Max, unpacking. Well- more like Max unpacking and her mom sitting on the couch reading a magazine. It was her mom that responded in a blunt tone, annoyed by her presence.

Max gave her a small smile. They weren't too close because Tilly's mom made it her priority to keep the two separate.

"What'cha need kid?" Max replies while her mom rolls her eyes.

"Um, I was just wondering, if you guys needed any help unpacking before I go up to my room for the night?"

"Nope, we don't need your help. We can do it ourselves, right babe?" Max responds.

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