Summer Abroad - 1

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I returned to school for the last two weeks before it let out for summer break. Earlier in the semester, I signed up a summer abroad program and was selected to go. It was a program focusing on the history of music in Europe and we were going to visit about twelve countries over twelve weeks.

After surviving finals and jury performances, I headed home for a couple of weeks to pack for my trip. As I was getting ready for bed that first night home, my phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Sarah, it's me Stacy. I wanted to let you know we are home and I have some exciting news. Are Mom and Dad around?"

"Yeah, they are downstairs, give me a minute and I'll put the phone on speaker. How are you? Did you have a great time?"

"We had a wonderful time, but I feel like I need another vacation after all the things we did," she chuckled through the phone. "Otherwise, I feel great. How are you doing? How is Ian? School's out now, do you two have plans?"

"Whoa, slow down Stace," I laughed. "I am really good and yes, school is out now. I got all A's!"

"Way to go, that is awesome to hear," she said.

"Stacy, about Ian...I should have told you sooner, but Ian and I aren't together anymore."

"WHAT!?!" she screamed into the phone. "What do you mean; you looked so happy at the wedding. When did this happen?"

"Well...I...we ended things back in January before second semester started. We just were drifting apart and we needed space. When you called, I couldn't tell you about us because I didn't want to ruin your happiness."

"Sarah, I would have understood. Why did he come to the wedding then?"

"I asked him to come and he agreed as long as I told you the truth after you came home from your honeymoon, so that is what I'm doing."

"Oh Sarah, I'm sorry."

"It's OK. I'm OK. In fact, I have an awesome opportunity this summer and it's the perfect time to move forward."

"What are you planning?"

"I'm going to Europe for a Summer Abroad Program through school. It's focusing on the history of music and we will visit various places that saw great composers write their music; perform their operas and so much more. We leave the first of June and I'm so excited!"

"That is wonderful; I hope you have a good time."

"I will and thank you. Hey, I'm with Mom and Dad. You are on speaker right now."

"Hey Mom, Dad how are you?"

"We are great sweetie. How are you and Jake?"

"We are wonderful. We just got back home and getting settled in."

"I hope you had a good time," Mom said.

"We did, it was amazing," we could almost see her smile. "So, the reason I had Sarah get you all together is that Jake and I have some special news for you."

"Well, what is it?" We all asked.

"We are going to have a baby," she told us.

"WHAT!?!" It was our turn to be surprised and shocked.

"I am pregnant and due in November, we are going to have a baby," she repeated. I looked over at Mom who just had a knowing smile on her face.

"Mom, why are you smiling?" I asked her.

"I had a feeling about this the last time we saw you Stacy," Mom answered. "When you were waking up every morning looking ill, I had my suspicions, which is why I asked you to go see someone."

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