My Sister's Wedding

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Mom, Dad and I arrived at O'Hare International Airport early Friday afternoon and Stacy was meeting us there with her driver. The rest of our family would head straight to the hotel as they arrive where the wedding reception will be held the next night.

"Stacy!" I yelled as I saw her after grabbing our bags.

"Sarah!" she yelled back and we hugged as we reached each other. She then gave Mom and Dad a hug as well. "Mom,'s good to see you again!"

Stacy still can't call our father, Dad, and it's hard sometimes to hear her call him by his name or just as Father. She explained it to me once and I get it, but I wish she could move forward and allow him in.

"Come on, Aaron is waiting with the car," she led us out to the pick-up location outside the terminal.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?" I asked.

"Excited, nervous, worried...I think I have felt every emotion there is," Stacy answered.

"Honey, everything is going to be perfect, do not worry yourself and just enjoy it," Mom reassured her.

"When is everyone else arriving?" she asked.

"They'll be arriving later this afternoon and tomorrow morning," Dad answered her.

"I hope Vicky and Tom get here on time for the rehearsal at 5:00. What about Ian? Is he still coming?"

"Vicky and Tom should be here in plenty of time," Mom answered.

"Ian will meet us at the restaurant after the rehearsal. He had classes this afternoon and will fly out afterwards," I told her. Mom gave me a strange look as she knew that we broke up earlier this year and I just shook my head for her to not say anything.

"OK, well I'm glad he is able to make it. I'm sure you'll be excited to see him again," she said. I just nodded my head and gave her a smile.

We went out for a late lunch and caught each other up on what has been going on in our lives over the last month or so since we had seen other last. Jake joined us at the restaurant and joined in the conversation after kissing Stacy. They are so cute together. He looks at her with so much love and I hope someday I can have that.

Aaron took us to the hotel to check-in and drop our bags off in our room. Mom and Dad had one room, while Ian and I had the room next door. Stacy booked our rooms and didn't ask about our sleeping arrangements, but at least there are two beds in the room.

We arrived at the church just before 5:00 and met Stacy, Jake and the rest of her wedding party, which included our cousins Vicky and Tom; Jake's sister and new brother-in-law; and Jake's best friend, Jordan, who would be the best man and my partner for the weekend. Mom, Dad and Connie, Jake's mom, were also there.

We went through the ceremony and were given our instructions to follow before, during and after the ceremony. The guys joked around a lot, but the priest put them in their places and we got through it after an hour or so. We also listened to the musicians practice through all their songs and Stacy did a good job picking out music.

We headed to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner and as we pulled up and got out of the cars, I saw Ian leaning against the wall by the door. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug, as Stacy would have expected me to, and he kissed me, which shocked me at first, but then I relaxed and smiled.

"Ian, it's good to see you again, I'm glad you could join us," Jake said as he came over and shook Ian's hand.

"Glad to be here," Ian said and gave Stacy a hug after shaking hands with Jake.

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