Chapter Seven

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Chunin Exams Continue

             After a day of rest the time was up for teams to arrive. On the last day my team had stumbled in pretty injured, specifically Sasuke. After the teams arrived we were summoned to an arena. The hokage then announced that the we would be having to fight against the surviving teams for the 3rd part of the exam. The first person to fight was  Sasuke against against a ninja named Yoroi. During his fight I noticed that he was extremely weak and was fighting as if he was in pain. I looked at Kakashi noticing that he was staring intensely at Sasuke worriedly. I watched each fight noticing the strengths and weaknesses in every fight of each genin. After a few hours of waiting it was a match that made me nervous Gaara vs Rock Lee. I couldn't help but to grab on to the rails watching as the fight progressed. Lee seemed so have the upper hand but I could feel Gaara's bloodlust starting to rise. 'Rie, what are the chances of him losing control?' 'He is coming closer and closer to losing control, you may have to step in when it gets to bad.' I continued to watch and I couldn't help but feel bad as  Gaara shattered Lee's leg. I felt so disappointed and hurt for Lee as I heard him scream out in pain and then pass out. I jumped with Gai Lee activating my Zaigan. I felt so much anger that it showed in my voice. The voice that came out didn't sound like me. "You need to gain control of your bloodlust, Gaara." I stood right at him staring at him. "You've won, leave him alone Shukaku." his eyes widened and then he calmed down and nodded his head going up to the top balcony. I looked around noticing everyone staring at not only our interaction but my eyes. I deactivated them and watched as everyone seemed to relax slightly but were still looking at me surprised. They managed to scort Rock Lee out. I looked at the Hokage realizing that everyone had already had their prelimary battle. "Lord Hokage, everyone here has already fought, does this mean I will not pass." He shook his head. "We knew going into this exam one student would automatically go through to the next exam. Apparently its you Saki." He then announced that the exam would take place in a month. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that I didn't get to fight. I wanted to show the skill that I possessed. He then gave out the fights. "The final fights will be Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara of the Sand and whoever wins will fight against Saki Haruno."

        After the exam I decided to go straight home. A few hours after being home Kakashi finally got back. "Hey Saki" I looked at him "Hey sensei, do you have plans to train anyone during this month?" he gave me, what I assumed was, a close eyed smile. "I actually have decided to train with Sasuke. The hokage actually told me to give you these scrolls." I sighed and he saw my disappointment. "If you'd like we can continue our training after the exams." "Before I go to bed sensei, did something happen to Sasuke in the forest?" he sat down on the couch in the living room and sighed. "Sasuke was attacked by the legendary sanin, Orochimaru. Orochimaru placed an curse mark upon Sasuke's neck that I sealed after his preliminary match." "What does the mark do?" "Honestly, I've only encountered one person with the mark. She said the mark can transform you into a very different person as you seek to gain more power. Overall it's very dangerous." I furrowed my eyebrows thinking "You have nothing to worry about Saki, I have it under control. That's a part of why I decided to train him" I nodded "I understand, thank you for telling me." I then decided to finally go to my room "There's some food on the stove if you get hungry. "

           Before I opened the first scroll I noticed a chakra seal on it. I inserted some of my chakra into the seal and it broke. When I opened the scroll there was a picture of a woman with black hair who had a scar on her face and it seemed to be a sword on her back. 

Next to the Picture Read:

Name: Ayame Satoshi

Age: 36

Location: Kumogakure; Hidden Cloud Village

(A/N: Any pictures I use in this story do not belong to me. I use them for reference only)

The second scroll was addressed directly to Ayame

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The second scroll was addressed directly to Ayame. It read:

"Ayame, this child is one of the moon. She has the rare eyes that very few people know about including you. I ask that you take this child under your wing and train her so that she may better protect herself. If not for me, but for the future of the shinobi world."


Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi 

          After reading the scroll I decided not to go to sleep but to see the hokage. When I arrived at his office he immediately called out to me before I got a chance to knock. When I entered the office he greeted me and I bowed. "I'm assuming you're here concerning the scrolls" I nodded "How did you know?" "Your eyes, commonly referred to as the eyes of the Moon are shown once in a lifetime to many people. There are only around 5 books in the world that mention them and only one of those books has a distinct picture as to what they look like while the others just describe them. Saki your eyes are very precious, if people find out about them before you are properly trained you will be hunted by other villages for your powers and criminals as well. There's a possibility that there may be a bounty placed on your head for having them. Ayame was one of my students I trained after the legendary Sanin you know of. She has studied every keikkei genkai to exist and she has done a lot of research on your eyes as well. She is extremely strong and from the information Kakashi gave me about you, she is the perfect person to be your sensei." I nodded "Is the information in  this scroll all you have on her?" "Yes, I've heard that she has been living in the Hidden Cloud Village for the past few months. She's been working closely with the Raikage." I nodded "Thank you Lord Hokage" he smiled at me "Be careful on your journey Saki. I look forward to seeing your match in a month."

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