Chapter 1

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When I am at school I try to focus totally on my work. See I want to be a trauma surgeon. But that is really hard with the people always bullying me. You would think that dating and being the sister of guys in an amazing band that travels the world would give me some higher ground on the social ladder but it doesn't and the really upsets me. I am being bullied by this guy named Josh and he comes around and pushes me against the lockers and he opens the scars of my cuts. Everyone seems to be out to get me the fans send me hate. And Amber, Amber is the main reason for this she doesn't physically harm me she says the most awful things to me. I walk by and she coughs and calls me a whore, or a slut, or to go die in a hole so no one has to worry about burying me. Words can't hurt you that's bullshit. I use self harm as not to kill myself but make emotional pain feel like physical pain because that is easier to deal with. Luke hates it. I tell him everything he's like my best friend to the extreme I can honestly see myself with him for the rest of my life.

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