Chapter 3 - Dinner

Start from the beginning


The whole dinner was just boring political talk between the clan leaders and the dragons. Although Sisu looked pretty bored.

I put a pea on my spoon and fired it at her. It hit her cheek. She turned in my direction and I quickly looked somewhere else. Then I inconspicuously pointed at Namaari, who was just minding her own bussines. Sisu put a pea on her spoon too and fired at her. It hit Namaari's shoulder. She immidietly looked at the direction it came from. Sisu smirked at her, Namaari chuckled. She also fired one back, but missed terribly. I watched as the pea flew somewhere to the entrence. And it stopped at someone's feet. As I looked up to see who it was, I realized I don't know the person.

It was a man. Dressed in old clothes, they were green. Suddenly everybody in the room went silent when they saw him. And for a while he just stood there, looking in the room but nobody in particular. My father was the first one to speak. -"Excuse me? Can we help you?" He asked as he stood up and walked to the stranger. -"My apologies. But I was told that this is where I can find the one they call Raya." He said, speaking all weird, as he put his hood down. He had short brown hair. And somehow unkept beard. All acompanied by his blue eyes. -"What do you want with her?" My dad asked. -"I am in need of her help." I gave a reassuring nod to Namaari who looked at me surprisingly. -"I'm Raya." I stood up.

-"Please, you got to help my village. It is in great danger." He said, now with more sad tone. -"Come with us. We'll disscus the details in private. Just let me send everybody home." My dad said. -"We'll wait at the map then." I replied, as I know this is where my dad holds most of his political meetings. And so me, the dragons, Namaari and my dad led the stranger to more private. Once my dad locked the door he imidietly started to guestion the stranger.

-"Okay, speak. Where are you from? What clan do you belong to? And why do you need my daughter?" The stranger didn't say anything. I guess he didn't know how to answer all these guestions. Instead he just walked to the map we have hanged on a wall. -"To understand what I am about to tell you. You must first hear my story." He said. -"Listen, not to be rude but we didn't come here to listen to stories. You said you need help so get to the point." She said. I put my hand in hers and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She backed away and stood next to me. -"It's okay. Continue." I told him.

-"As I was saying. This will be hard to understand." He took a deep breath. -"I am not from Kumadra......Well, to be precise. The Kumadra I know fell apart five hundred years ago." He said. -"That's impossible. Humans don't live that long. Or do you?" Sisu asked. -"No. No we don't. What are you saying?" My father guestioned the stranger again. -"I know it is very difficult to understand for you but, when the Druun first attacked. He took my whole village. For what it looks like, we could easily match one of your clans with our numbers." He pointed out a location at the map. -"Right here. This is where we are. I think you would call us the clan of Horn now."

-The location of the village

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-The location of the village

-"You're lying, that is Fang's territory. We would've found you." Namaari said. -"Honestly. I am surprised you did not. We were practically neighbors back then. But when I awoke, which was just a little while ago, nobody remembered us. And I do not know why. And everybody in the village was still stone." What he said left us completely speechless. -"Wait, you said you awoke from Druun's curse?" Pengu finally joined the conversation. Dragon's were unusually quiet through this whole thing. I guess they are as surprised by all this as we are. -"Yes. But everybody else stayed stone. I do not know why." The stranger replied.

-"That's-" My father wanted to say something but the stranger interupted. -"I know! It is impossible but please I am not laying! I do not have all the answers for you, I only want to save my village!" He yelled desperately his voice trying to prove his point. -"We understand. But where does Raya fit in your story? Why did you want her?" Dad asked. -"I heard she saved Kumadra once. I just figured she could do the same for my village. Just make everybody alive again. Please." He pleaded looking at me. -"I didn't save Kumadra by myself. But we will help you." I said. -"Of course. Take whoever you need." He said.

-"I need those who I trust the most. Tong, Boun, Noi, Namaari and my Ba." I said. -"Very well. Gather them. Tomorrow meet me at the dock. And we shall depart to the Horn." He said and got walking to the door. -"One more guestion." I said. He turned around. -"What's your name?" I asked. -"Zaggar." He replied and walked out of the room.

-"Dewdrop. Are you sure about this?" My dad asked. -"Ba, they need help. We can't let other clan down. That's what Kumadra does now, we help each other." I said. He layed his hand on my shoulder. -"I......I'm proud of you Raya. You'll be a great leader." He said. -"Oh, stop it." I hugged him. -"Go and get some rest. I'll let your friends know about this. And have them here by tomorrow. You just go and get ready." He said. -"Really?" -"Yeah. Besides I got the dragons to help me out." He smiled at the dragons and they nodded. -"Don't worry Raya. We got your back." Pranee said. -"Thank you." -"I guess I'll be staying here then. Sisu, can you get a message to my mother?" Namaari said. -"You got it Namaari." Sisu winked at her.

-"Well, I'll go to tell Tong. Amba you get Noi. And Jagan, please get Boun." Pengu told his siblings. -"Thank you." I said. -"For nothing." Pengu nodded and they all transformed into their dragon forms and flew away. It's time to go and get some rest. Gonna need it.

I packed my things and got to bed. But with so many thoughts racing my mind, I can't seem to fall asleep. Who exactly is this Zaggar? And does he tell the truth? And if not, why would he lie? But there's also something else on my mind, or rather........someone else. Namaari. I still don't know what that was, back at the dragon gem. Did we almost kiss? Or maybe I'm making it a big deal. Maybe she didn't see it the same way. Maybe I'm just imagining.

I got starteled by a knock on my door. So late at night? -", are you asleep?" I heard Namaari's voice from behind the door. -"Yes." I replied. -"Well, um....." She didn't know what to say. -"Come in." I chuckled. -"Thanks." She walked in and closed the door behind her. -"What's up?" I sat up on my bed. -"I don't know. Just couldn't sleep." She sat besides me. -"That makes two of us." I admited. She raised her eyebrow at me. -"Really? What's on your mind?" She asked. I panicked a bit. -"Pff, just you know. Stuff, I mean. Tomorrow we're suppose to lift Druun's curse. And I don't even know what we're suppose to do exactly. Why hasn't the gem freed his village?" I told her.

She just chuckled. -"You know. At least on this we can agree. We don't know what we've gotten ourselves into." She tucked her hair behind her ear. I just can't. Her smile....It's beautiful. -"Raya?" She smirked. -"W-what?" -"You know, staring is kinda rude." She said still smirking. -"Oh, really?" I said amused. -"Yeah. At least I heard it somewhere." She replied. I gave her a playful punch to her shoulder. Damn, it's like punching a rock..... She only laughed. -"Well, I guess I should go and get some shut-eye." She got up. I decided for a moment and then finally spoke, just before she left.

-"I-If you want you can stay here. I mean, I would love-um, like some company." I said sttutering like an idiot. Obviously it was amusing for Namaari. -"Scootch." She closed the door. I scootched on one side of the bed, while Namaari layed on the other. -"Good night Raya." She said, turned away from me, to blow the candle off. I also turned to the candle on my side. -"You too Namaari." And to be honest. This was the first night. I felt really safe, because of Namaari by my side.

Lovely pictures of the dragons in human forms are from: lenaart0
Go check out her work on instagram!

Thanks for reading! Keep it up. Have a nice day/night!

Also just to make it clear. I'm not really gonna describe all the characters in this story. I would like you to imagine them in your own way. I hope you're not too mad.
Ps: I just felt the dragons would look pretty cute is someone draw them!

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