"Don't remind me, it's hard enough to see your face without thinking of that faggot," he spat, my hands clenched into fists, my teeth biting my lip so hard, I could taste blood.

Don't let him get to you, Kaygen. I tried to calm myself down, I could literally hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

"Got something to say, Kaygen?" He stressed my name, taking a step closer to me, but all I could do was glare back.

"Are you threatening me, father?" I stressed the word father in response, it felt bitter on my tongue, I hated it.

"It was just a question, if you've got something to say, say it." It was bait, and I knew it, so I just ground my teeth together, hoping he'd shut up and leave, I couldn't take this for much longer.

"Of course, you were always the cowardly one, it's a shame it wasn't you instead of him, would have made things easier. I had high hopes for that boy, everyone did, but he gave that all away to live in his sick ways, and what are we left with? You."

L was always the favourite, I'm not an idiot, I knew that from a young age, but hearing him admit it, hurt.

L and I were like a buy one, get one free deal, and I am the one that came free. Nothing but a disappointment, but hey, at least I'm not gay, right? Ha, what would he say if he knew I kissed Nate earlier?

I suppose he can't hate me any more than he already does, but you can bet your ass I wouldn't have a place to sleep tonight.

"Nothing but a disappointment..." I don't know why but I looked towards my mother, who wouldn't even look at us, she was pretending she didn't hear anything as usual.

But for once in my goddamn life, I wish she'd stand up for me, it's funny, she stands up for L more than she does me.

I felt my chest tighten, my breathing becoming heavy, and I knew I had to get out of here.

"A failure." My eyes blurred, I could feel the air moving around me, getting closer, tighter.

"An embarrassment." I can't breathe.

"F-fuck you," I managed to force out, before I made a break for the front door, grabbing a half bottle of Whisky on the way out. They didn't bother chasing after me, they don't care.

I ran, and ran, and ran as fast as my legs could take me, I didn't care where I was going, just so long as I was still moving.

The cold night air hit my face, as I finally let myself stop to breathe. Oxygen rushed back into my lungs that were burning, tears streaked my cheeks that I quickly wiped away.

He's right, I'm fucking pathetic, I thought, as I took a swig from the bottle of Whisky, and stepped into the woods.

-Nate's POV-

It was about 9pm when Damon stepped into the pack house, but that wasn't what caught my attention, it was the boy behind him, who poked his head around Damon with a curious expression.

"Nate?!" He asked in shock once he saw me.

"Hey L! How's it going?" I asked slowly, eying Damon in confusion, he was smiling, a rare sight for our Alpha, I guess the date went well? I took a drink of my water, watching the two closely.

"You're a werewolf too?" L asked in pure surprise. Water sprayed from my mouth and onto the table in front of me, as I stared at him in horror.

My eyes quickly flickered between Laken and Damon, trying to process what he had just said.

"You told him?" I asked Damon. I'm honestly surprised he told him so soon, he was terrified at just the thought, and he goes ahead and tells him on their first date.

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