
Start bij het begin

The elder didn't speak this time, he just continued to listen.

"I asked him why," Jeongguk said, shaking his head a bit to himself. "He told me no because he thinks you're doing a good job as pitcher, he truly thinks you can win this for us."

Taehyung watched the boy to the left of him, brows slightly pulled together. He was a bit confused on why Jeongguk was opening up about a private conversation he had with their Coach.

"So, you sitting here and being a nervous wreck isn't helping anyone, Kim. I know I said some hateful shit about your pitch but you aren't terrible, really aren't." Jeongguk uttered, pressing his hands on either side of him and pushing up to his feet. "Now, for real, let's get going before they put in some random who doesn't know what to do."

Taehyung watched him for a moment before he stood as well, releasing a breath that was held in for way too long.

"Feel better?" Jeongguk asked, beginning to walk the way he came through in, Taehyung following suit.

"Yeah," The elder muttered. "Thank you for telling me that, it really does help." He added.

"Yeah, just figured you needed to be reassured. I know what it feels like to be nervous. Believe it or not, I'm nervous before every game. I just hide it and . . . You actually help me with your dumbass remarks." The younger told, letting out a soft chuckle.

Taehyung scoffed. "And this whole time I thought I was making your life a living hell. Damn you!"

And they both laughed at that all while finding their way back outside. They made sure their smiling faces and joyous giggles came to a stop the moment they made it out where they could be seen.

"There's our captain! We were looking for you!" Suwun grinned, seeing Jeongguk and Taehyung making their way towards the dugout where the rest of the team was placed.

Taehyung had made sure to keep his distance with following Newbie, thinking it would help the, 'we're not friends' look.

"Yeah, where did you go? Did you have the shits?" Hoseok did a teasing pout frown, unable to help his little snicker.

Jeongguk decided to say something before Taehyung could. "No wonder it smelled like someone's ass exploded."

The team erupted into laughter, Taehyung rolling his eyes.

"You were just smelling your breath, Newbie. Don't play me." Taehyung insulted light heartedly. He then walked past them to grab his own equipment, readying himself.

     "What's going on between you two?" The question was sudden and had Jeongguk turning with a cocked brow towards Hoseok.

"What?" He questioned, a slight frown on his lips.

Hoseok pulled his mitt over his left hand, side-eyeing Jeongguk. "What did you say for Taehyung to come out?"

"Nothing, he was using the bathroom." Jeongguk lied straight through his teeth. He should've known better.

"No he wasn't. He went to the bathroom before I brought him here. I know Taehyung better than anyone does. What did you say?" Hoseok asked again.

Jeongguk wouldn't mind saying why but Taehyung opted they kept things a 'secret'. He was still unsure on why but he didn't question it.

"I just told him to grow up and quit being a little bitch. He needs to stop being a pussy about everything." Jeongguk insulted, shaking his head.

"Fun fact, the vagina is actually quite strong and can even lift weights." Hoseok grinned as Jeongguk sat there with a prominent frown, looking rather disgusted. "I think that's the first time you ever complimented Taehyung! Baby steps!"

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu