Chapter 17: Acciptrial

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  For two days Mary and Zelda had been cooped up in the quaint cottage. Zelda had a particularly bad day, where all she did was throw up; one of the worst side affects of dying. Her body needed to rid of all the decay, and it usually hit a day or two after the initial death.  With Mary's patience and affection, Zelda got through the worst night of her life. Luckily it was March break at the high school, meaning Mary could stay with Zelda all day and night; ensuring her safety and wellbeing. Zelda still hadn't managed to keep down any solid food, but Mary ensured that she was getting some vitamins-much to Zelda's demise-through orange juice, and smoothies.

It was quarter past midnight and the couple sat cuddled up in front of the fire place.  Mary sat at the end of the couch, overly divulged in her book with Zelda's head laid on her lap, her body curled into fetal position-fast asleep. Mary held her book in one hand, her other hand busy playing with Zelda's hair.  A cracking stick outside the front window caught Mary's attention, her internal alarm bells beginning to ring.  She dropped her book and sat silently for a moment, she could smell a man-or worse-men.  Mary leaned over Zelda and kissed her cheek gently "Zelda, come on, wake up.." She whispered, placing a few more kisses on the witches face.

Zelda slowly began to stir, stretching her legs and arms out.  She furrowed her brow as she peered up at Mary, instantly picking up on her anxiety. "Mary-whats wrong?" she asked hazily, slowly sitting up.  Mary gripped onto Zelda's upper arms and stared into her eyes.

"I think somebody is outside..." Mary whispered hoarsely.  Zelda frowned and gripped onto Mary's thigh.  "Two or three men to be exact.." Mary continued, seeming to sniff the air. 

"How do y- " Zelda started, but was cut off by a rather violent knock on the door.  "I don't have my magic yet..." Zelda whispered fearfully. 

Mary knew she'd need to protect Zelda, and to do so, she'd need to unleash the man eating beast within her. "Zelda, its okay, just go into my room and shut the door" Mary stated quickly. Zelda nodded her head and got up from the couch, headed to the back room.

Once Mary was sure Zelda was safely hidden, she exhaled deeply and looked over to the door.  Another aggressive knock sounded off the wood, echoing within the cabin.  Mary rose from the couch and sauntered over to the door; swinging it open.  A single man, about 6"2, stood in the door way.  Mary tilted her head and her eyes widened as she noticed the familiar branding tattoo on his upper arm; it was a demon.  "He sent you didn't he" She growled, narrowing her gaze on the disguised demon's jugular.   Lucifer had demons he would disguise as humans, and send them up from hell to collect souls that were meant to be burning.  He knew lilith wouldn't come easy, hence the three demons; but where were the other 2?

Mary's mouth dropped as she realized the hunk of meat at the door was just a distraction, "Zelda" she whispered under her breath.  She spun on her heel and tried darting to the bedroom, but was forcefully yanked back by a strong grasp on her wrist.  The force of the demon's pull back made her stumble to the ground, colliding harshly with the hardwood flooring.  As the demon crawled on top of her,  Mary's eyes shifted from ocean blue to blazing amber.  Her teeth began to crack and grow causing her jaw and cheeks to rip almost to her ears. Her fingers grew slender and sharp like talons, the tips turning black in colour, and her feet conjoined into hooves.  Horns bursted through the flesh of her head, and her ears elongated into peaks.  A beastly growl from the depths of her stomach made its way out of her mouth, shaking everything inside of the cabin. With a swift slash, she had sliced through the demons neck-nearly decapitating it-its blood splattering all over her face and the floor.

The hunk of dead meat fell to her side, and she quickly rose to her feet, Zelda being the only thought on her mind. In her beast form she was nearly 8 feet tall, and was a rather scary sight; a sight she didn't want Zelda to see. Disregarding every instinct she had to go straight to the bedroom, Mary darted out the front door and made her way to the side of the cabin, stopping to pick up on the other demons' scents. Her ears peaked as she heard glass shattering and Zelda's small gasp.

Mary growled and sprinted around to the other side of the cabin. She saw another demon standing outside of the window and charged at him, impaling him with her fingers; she lifted him up from his feet and let him hover in the air above her head- its body spitting and oozing blood everywhere.

"MARY!" Zelda screamed, making Mary's head snap back to the window.

Mary launched the dead demon into the garden, and off of her talons. She stepped toward the window and peered in, witnessing the demon throw Zelda to the floor-her head colliding harshly with the wooden planks-knocking her unconscious.  Mary stepped back and charged at the bedroom, barrelling through the window.  The demon stopped dead in its tracks and stared at Mary fearfully, who gripped onto his head with both hands and ripped his head clean off his shoulders; she threw its head out the window and watched its body drop like a bag of rocks. Her chest heaving and covered in blood, Mary closed her eyes and focused on changing back into her human form.

She steadied her breathing and stifled a scream, as all her bones shrunk and cracked back into place.  When she opened her eyes she was fully morphed back and rushed to Zelda's side. Tears began to well in the corners of her eyes, for she had broken her promise.  She promised Zelda no one would ever hurt her again, and she had let her get hurt.  Mary  lifted Zelda's upper half to rest on her body, burying her face in the mass of ginger curls.

She heard Zelda groan, and watched as the woman lifted her shaky hand to inspect her head. She patted around her skull in a few places, and when she was sure she wasn't bleeding, she groaned again.  "Mary?" Zelda grumbled lowly, nearly inaudible. Mary squeezed Zelda in response, relieved to hear her voice. 

"I'm here.  I'm here" Mary replied hastily, pressing a kiss to the crown of Zelda's head. 

"Please....get me off the ground..." Zelda slurred, her head pounding.

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