Chapter 9: Abequitate

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"You better not die on me now Zelda.." Mary grunted as she lifted Zelda in her arms. She needed to teleport back to her cottage so she could heal Zelda as quickly as she could. Mary had a brief time period to pull Zelda back before she went too deep into the witchy limbo. With a loud crack they apperated into the living room, right in front of the fireplace. Mary set Zelda down on the ground in front of the fire gently. She stared at the pale lifeless woman and held back a cry of despair. Before she could begin feeling guilty Mary needed to save Zelda, and quick.

She got down on her knees beside Zelda's body and gripped onto the handle of the knife lodged within the witches her chest. With a sift pull upward Mary removed the knife and threw it across the room, returning her hands to the cavity that was now squirting blood. She closed her eyes and began to rock back and forth reciting the chant to bring her back.

"et in ea sanguis gradum corporis, nolite flumen" Mary started, the lights beginning to flicker.
"revertetur hac pythonissam, ut corpus ea in terra, incolumes, dantes illam vitam, spiritus, motus" Mary continued to chant, the small cottage shaking as though a tornado was ripping through it. Zelda's spilt blood slowly began seeping back into her body, and Mary cracked her eyes open to see Zelda's wound beginning to heal itself.

Zelda shot up taking a sharp inhale of oxygen. She looked around the small living room frantically, then placed her hand over her chest; in search of the weapon that was once lodged within it. She slowly looked over to Mary, who was staring at her wide eyed and covered in blood.

"I need a cigarette.." Zelda croaked dryly, a small grin on her lips. Mary was so consumed by guilt and grief she couldn't even smile at the woman's impeccable comedic timing. Zelda furrowed her brow as she stared at Mary, her eyes brimming with shimmering tears. Zelda slowly snaked her hand atop Mary's and looked at her gratefully. 

"Thank you-for saving me" She whispered, squeezing the woman's hand reassuringly. Mary sighed and stared down at their intertwined hands, the comfort of the small gesture becoming overwhelming.  Zelda hissed in pain snatching her hand away to clasp her head.  She was drowsy and needed to get up off the hard floor.  Mary sensed Zelda's discomfort and acted on it immediately; she linked her arm with Zelda's and slowly helped her to her feet.

As she rose Zelda began to sway, her head spinning uncontrollably.  Mary wrapped her left arm firmly around Zelda's waist and placed
Zelda's right arm over her shoulders; steadying the wobbly witch with her own body weight. Zelda looked over to Mary with hazy eyes and gave her a small nod, letting her know she was okay. Mary had only one bed, and Zelda was undoubtedly taking it; she was in rough shape and Mart knew she wouldn't want her family to see her in such a state.

Mary guided the ginger witch down the hall to her bedroom, managing to get Zelda situated in her bed without any fatalities. All Zelda needed now was some rest and constant checking up on. Zelda had pulled the soft blankets up around her face and shut her eyes tight, allowing her aching body to relax into the soft mattress. Mary stood over her, wanting to make sure she was comfortable before leaving her for the night. Zelda's breath seemed to even out and Mary knew she'd be alright for the rest of the night; she switched the lamp off and turned to leave, but was pulled back by a tug on her night dress.

Zelda had caught a hold of the blood stained fabric and yanked on it, restricting Mary from leaving. Zelda opened her heavy eyelids slowly and glanced over to Mary.

"stay-please" she barely whispered.

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