Chapter 6- No Denying These Feelings

Start from the beginning

“I’ll wait,” I said as Luke started to leave.

I watched him walk away, but he was still looking my direction when he tripped over his own feet. He turned and as soon as he did he fell smack dab into the wall. He slid down the wall and rolled over. There was blood running down his face. I immediately ran towards him, but a security guard grabbed me.

“Let her go!” Luke yelled as everyone in the room stared at me.

I ran too him kneeling down beside him. I instantly grabbed his shirt tail, using it to wipe the blood off of his face. “Get up,” I commanded, “We need to get you laid down for a bit.”

“Come this way,” the woman with curly auburn hair said as Luke stood.

“Hold your head back,” I told him, “I’ll lead you.”

We walked down the hallway into what I am guessing is his dressing room. I had Luke lay down on the couch before I looked up.

“Caroline?” Carter asked, “What happened?”

“He fell into a wall,” I told him.

“Kerri, can you run out to Luke’s truck and grab the bag behind the driver’s seat?” Carter asked the woman.

“Who is she?” I asked Carter after she walked out of the room.

“Kerri is Luke’s manager,” Carter answered me.

“What the hell am I going to do? It won’t quit bleeding!” Luke said while patting his nose.

“Just take your shirt off and lay down. Let me take care of it,” I told him.

“I probably broke my nose. I’m not going to be able to do the show,” Luke stated after handing me his blood stained shirt.

“Luke, just shut up already! It’s not broken! If it was you would be starting to get a black eye! I’ve done this before, remember?!” I shouted at him.

“I’m sorry,” Luke pouted.

“Don’t act like a baby, Luke,” I told him as I applied a little pressure holding his shirt on his nose.

“Here’s that bag,” Kerri said as she came back through the door, “Is he going to be okay?”

“Yeah. He will be fine if he quits acting like a baby,” I informed her.

“You know I can talk?” Luke asked rhetorically.

“Just shut up!” I told him as he sank back into the couch.

“Never did I think I would see the day that Luke would let someone tell him to shut up like you have,” Kerri said in shock.

“She’s not just anyone. That’s Caroline,” Carter informed Kerri.

Kerri just stared at me in shock. I went back to tending to Luke, who was acting like a baby. After about twenty minutes I got Luke’s nose to stop bleeding.

“It’s time,” Kerri said as she looked at her watch.

“Will you wait for me?” Luke asked me.

“I’ll wait. Maybe from out there, but I’ll wait,” I told him.

Luke grabbed my hand and squeezed it before he walked out of the door. I just sat down on the couch for a few minutes. I can’t believe that this is happening. I am falling for Luke all over again.

“Oh my! I didn’t know you were here!” Kelly shouted as she opened the door.

“I didn’t know you were here either,” I told Kelly as she gave me a big hug.

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