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(we could talk about the tragedy of fire. it's doomed, bright brevity. but everyone knows that fire is doomed to flicker out.

instead let's discuss the nature of fire.
fire is not eternal like matter. matter has existed and will always, whereas fire is a reaction, a transformation. it changes the nature of matter permanently, for better or for worse.)

Midoriya didn't expect to see a familiar face so far away from home. He especially didn't expect for Mirio to freeze when he spotted her.
She was everywhere it seemed, in class, in Hosu, hell- even in dreams (some of the dreams were more like nightmares. sometimes she was holding Native again and she moved a second too late, silver lancing through her skull. other dreams were more embarrassing, ones that he shoved to the back of his mind until her sudden reappearance brought images rushing back.) His face involuntarily flushed.
(Y/n) rushed after the little girl before skidding to a stop. "Oh. Hi."
"(Y-Y/n)!" Midoriya mentally slapped himself for the stutter.
"What are you doing here?" Mirio's voice was tighter than Midoriya had ever heard.
(Y/n) opened her mouth, about to respond, before clamping it shut, glancing behind her. A figure emerged from the darkness that clung to the alleyway.
"Sorry about that!" His voice was jovial and loud, barely muffled by his bird-like mask. "She's always running off, and her sister can't always catch her by herself." The little girl clung to Midoriya's sleeve.
There was near silence, only broken by the sound of people milling past the alleyway.
(it's always alleyways, it seems. midoriya isn't sure if he should be grateful that they exist or curse them.)
"C'mon, kiddo."
Eri whimpered, burying her head into Midoriya's leg. He crouched down and picked her up. "She doesn't want to go with you." The man stepped forwards, stepping past (Y/n). She glanced at Mirio, widening her eyes and softly shaking her head.
"She always gets upset after she gets in trouble. She's a dramatic little brat." The man leaned down a little to speak directly to the little girl.
"C'mon. We need to go."
"Why does she have so many bandages?"
(Y/n) brought her hands up to her chest, gently tapping her hands against one another. Mirio furrowed his brows.
"She's clumsy," the man snapped, his friendly facade wearing thin. He stood up straight, sighing. "Man, you heroes ask so many questions huh."
(Y/n) glanced at the man's back anxiously. She pulled her sleeve back a fraction. She tapped her scars, tapped her hand, and pointed to the man.
Mirio's eyes widened as the girl wriggled from Midoriya's arms.
"Sorry about my friend here!" Mirio said loudly, boasting a bright smile. The girl jumped into (Y/n)'s arms. "I guess he doesn't quite get that some families are different." Mirio flips up the hood on Midoriya's costume as the shorter boy opens his mouth to protest. "Well sir, we're off to finish out patrol! Sorry about the misunderstanding." Mirio grabbed Midoriya's arm with more force than necessary, pulling him away from the alleyway.
Midoriya whirled around, catching a glimpse of (Y/n). Sometimes, when she thought no one was looking, she let down her bored facade. What he didn't expect to see was relief followed quickly by terror as the man turned to her.

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