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(rome wasn't built in a day, she thought, her head ringing with the words.)

When she had called, someone she had never heard answered the phone. His answer was clipped as he asked who the hell she was.
Her answer was steadier than she would have hoped for. The other end of the line went quiet and she waited.
Her breaths came shallow and quiet as she waited for any sound at all.
She heard muffled voices and then a clear response. "Friday. 11pm. Outside the gas station two blocks south of U.A. Don't be late." The line went dead.

Her free hands fumbled instinctively for a cigarette before she remembered they had mysteriously disappeared while Midoriya had her purse. She let out a sigh, setting down her phone and dragging the heels of her palms across her face. He is a sweet boy. Too sweet. Too nice. Even with how little they'd talked, it felt as if he were too good for her.
The least she could do is try to stop smoking.

(Y/n) picked her phone back up, scrolling through her contacts until she found one that was only emojis.

(Y/n) picked her phone back up, scrolling through her contacts until she found one that was only emojis

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She tapped her nails against the screen anxiously, waiting for Bubble Girl to respond. The small dots popped on screen before she responded.

The two exchanged info and Bubble Girl promised backup in case anything went sideways

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The two exchanged info and Bubble Girl promised backup in case anything went sideways.
(Y/n) found herself staring in the mirror hours later, her hands gripping the edge of the counter.

(rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burned in one and her hands have been smelling of butane as of late.)

an: very short chapter sorryyyy- but lmao (y/n) uses light mode what a loser.
n e wayz,,, the link to pinterest board that i use for inspo is in the last chapter business

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