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0.2 - ❛ foreward ❜

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚

𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝐒𝐓, Cordelia and Violet Laurent found themselves trying to navigate their way to platform 9 3/4.

Over the summer Cordelia forgave Isla and Mrs. Laurent for not telling her about her parents. She was still mad at Mr. Laurent but yet again, when is she not.

Cordelia had went to Diagonal Alley and gotten all of her school supplies with Violet as well. She didn't get a pet this year, but she was for sure going to get one next year, after she had time to adjust of course. Cordelias favorite thing they had gotten was her wand, yew wood, thestral tail hair core, 13', slightly yielding. Her wand was a dark brown color and had a swirl pattern caved in the bottom with symbols and runes etched in between them. She was left a large amount of gold from her parents so affording everything wasn't a problem, much to her surprise.

As Cordelia pushed her trolly though the crowd of people with Violet, Isla, and Hope following quickly behind, she looked around for platforms 9 and 10. Mrs. Laurent had gone over how to get onto the platform so many times Cordelia thought if she heard it one more time she was going to rip her ears off.

"Ah there it is," Violet exclaimed, pointing to the 2 platforms they were looking for.

Cordelia turned her trolly full with her trunk and school supplies towards where Violet was pointing. She was beyond excited. She never really liked her old school so she was hoping that Hogwarts would be an upgrade. She hoped she would be able to make some friends as she didn't have any currently. Kids tended to stay away from her because of little outbursts of accidental magic and she was known for trouble.

"Are you ready dear?" Violet asked looking around to see if the coast was clear. Once she heard Cordelia hum a reply she started at a little jog and ran through the wall, hand on Cordelias shoulder.

Cordelia's eyes scrunched shut as she expected to face plant into the brick wall but when she opened her eyes she was met with a long, red steam engine and a very packed platform with many family's ushering about trying to get their kids on the train. Cordelia gasped in awe as she looked around the platform, a small smile on her face. Violet brought Cordelia into a tight hug once they stopped walking.

"Be good okay, and please try to stay safe," Violet muffled into her daughters hair. Even though Cordelia made it blatantly obvious she wanted to go by the surname Black instead of Laurent, she still considered her a daughter, she always would.

"I'll try my best," Cordelia laughed into Violets arms. She knew she would most likely get a couple detentions but what's the fun in life if you don't get in trouble every once in a while.

𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 - 𝐇.𝐏.Where stories live. Discover now