Chapter 7: Meet My Brother

Start from the beginning

Fuck!! I hurry past people, stumbling in my tipsy state. I thought it had worn off but I feel a bit dizzy and sick. A few people that aren't pack, ask if I'm OK. I just smile and nod and try to stay upright, they don't notice the break or blood due to the glamour thankfully.

I make it to one of the bathroom's and throw up. So much for my full sized meal. Ugh she's totally ruined my buzz, the bitch. My nose burns from not just the break but the alcohol that i threw up as it came out my nose too. Yuck! Only reason I'm sick is due to anxiety. I have no idea how much trouble I'm in and was hoping to get away with no visit tonight if I behaved. Well that's now out the window. probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, even if I didn't do anything wrong, someone was bound to turn up tonight.

I rinse my mouth out and use one of the spare toothbrushes and paste from the cupboard and brush my teeth. I sort my nose out as best I can, resetting the break myself which hurts like hell. I use tissue to clean the blood off my face as it has stopped bleeding now and can see my eyes are going black. Great! And where my face is swelling the mask is pulling taut and starting to hurt, I'm sure I read somewhere that Coca-Cola works on glue! I'll have to try to find some. Even though I can't really tell due to swelling and bruising I know I look gaunt and the makeup that was in place is now smudged around my eyes. I guess it's time to go to bed. Get as much sleep as possible before they come for me.

I walk out of the bathroom and though I'm still a bit clumsy as the pain is making itself known everywhere, I manage to not stumble or trip. I look and see Alpha with Remi, talking to that guy I'm not allowed to go near, I guess he's the 'King' that Remi was talking about. I feel sorry for him and hope he doesn't fall for her deceptive, slurry way's. Thinking he might choose to mate with or just fuck her makes me angry and feel betrayal, which makes no sence.

I'm almost out the door when I smell Alpha Darren. He grabs my bad wrist making me wince and yanks me to his chest. Wrapping his arms around me he whispers in my ear.

"Me and my wolf are looking forward to chasing you down tomorrow. He wants nothing more than to mate you now. I'm just waiting on a verbal and signed agreement with your Alpha, then your mine." He licks my mouth, what a disgusting pig! I try to shove away from him as he tries to kiss me. He just laughs and force's his lips on mine, my face really hurts now where he's knocking my nose and the mask, I have no way of escaping, doesn't stop me trying though. I make a noise of protest and disgust and manage to put a little space between us but not much.

From anyone's perspective that saw the confrontation they would have seen 2 people making out, not what was actually happening.

"Why don't I take you to your room now" He starts to tow me out the door and as they swing shut behind me I look up and see that Parker is standing in front of Alpha Darren with a frown on his face.

"Beta Parker. Can I help you with something? Me and my mate were about to head to bed" I want to throw up in my mouth. How vulgar!! Who says that to other people. Why did he feel the need to say that shit to Parker at all? Is he bragging? Taunting? Does he think Parker is interested in me? Is this some kind of marking territory crap?

I see Parker grit his teeth. He looks at me and I look away. I don't want any part of this.

"Actually, I came to steal away your.... Mate. I hope you don't mind but ive been looking all over for her. I'd like to introduce her to my brother!"

"Oh well I'd rather not tonight as I say we were heading to bed. Maybe after the hunt?" He says while trying to get past Parker

"I'm sorry Darren, but my brother insisted on meeting with her. Once I told him about her, he was curious, a mute wolf and all that. You don't want to refuse him now do you?" He says with a slow smirk. I know his brother is the King so Alpha Darren cant refuse him. I really want to laugh. Ha try get out of that one then. Rather reluctantly, Alpha Darren says

"Very well" and passes me off to Parker. It's then I remember I'm supposed to stay away from them so I shake my head and pull my arm from his, walking backwards towards the exit to go to my temporary room.

"Seems my timid mate doesn't wish to meet your Alpha and I don't want to force her! I'll take her to bed and talk her into meeting him after the hunt. I'm sure you understand." He says and starts to follow me when Parker speaks up

"I'm afraid it wasn't a request, Darren. Come on sweetie it's mandatory for everyone to meet, he won't bite! Unless you want him too. Can you tell me her name?" He winks at me then gives Darren a pointed look

"Let's just get this over with so we can retire for the evening, I shall just find her Alpha first then I will join you shortly." He kisses my cheek and it takes everything in me to not pull away from him. As he does he whispers in my ear

"Fuck up! And I'll punish you!" He pulls back smiling then walks away.

"Fuck, excuse my language. Yet again he evaded telling me your name. I'm going to need you to write it down when I find some paper. I can't keep calling you by endearment's. Come on"

Fuck! I have no choice then. And my name!! No one has used my name since my parents were killed. I don't think anyone even remembers it! I sure as hell don't. So it's no suprise they find away not to answer him. Parker takes my arm and leads me back towards the ball room. I start hyperventilating, the alcohol in my system is no help, Fuck! what am I gonna do. I can't fucking speak! Alpha is gonna kill me. Alpha!

"Alpha Parker has insisted I meet his brother!"

"What?! Refuse. Go to your room.... You stupid bitch. You should have been there hours ago, then this wouldn't have happened"

"I tried to get away but he insisted, I was with Alpha Darren and he tried to get out of it too but it didn't work! What do I do?"

"I'm on my way, you better not do anything to fucking embarras me. You're already in enough trouble for slapping Remi. I'll be dealing with you later for that" for fuck sake, how is any of this shit my fault!?

"Calm down love, he's not that scary. All you have to do is stand there. I'll do the introduction for you ok?. But you're gonna pass out if you keep hyperventilating like that! I promise your fine."

Easy for him to say, he doesn't know what's in store for me because of him and this King wanting to meet me. But I must calm down otherwise they might get suspicious and I don't want to piss Alpha off even more.

We're almost to his brother and when he sees us heading in his direction he stands and looks at us. Oh god please let this end quickly and easily. We get to the step leading up to his platform and I trip on the step and start to fall forward. I see the King move to catch me but he's not near enough. Guess it was a knee jerk reaction. I brace for impact when Parker catches me around the waist and stands me up. I wince and wobble slightly and go to look at him to convey my thank's, but can't. Then I jump when I hear a deep rumble followed by a snarl. I went to run as he just snarled at me but Parker still had hold of my waist. But I keep struggling to get away.

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