77 |Oh she's mad|

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Ariana's POV

"Okay Ari, what do you say? You wanna work on some more songs or is that it for you tonight?"

I turned my attention from Tommy and instead looked at Angelo who was sleeping pretty comfortably in Victoria's arms right now.

He surprisingly hasn't been too much of a distraction throughout our studio session today, considering the fact that we've been here since 3, and it's nearing 10pm.

I know, not exactly the best thing to do with my five month old.

I couldn't help it though, I've missed him so much, I've been working a shit ton so I rarely get to see him throughout the day.

I just don't want him to ever feel like his mommy doesn't care about him cause that is so far from the truth.

"Um sure, maybe we can just write a bit more and finish recording for shut up."

Tommy nods in agreement before turning back to the soundboard with the rest of the producers.

I looked at the lyrics I had so carelessly scribbled out onto the sheet of paper I was holding in my hand.

We were through with much of the writing process on a few of the songs I felt comfortable enough with writing, along with recording them.

I just hoped that I would be able to deliver with this album seeing as I was planning on dedicating practically the whole thing to Y/n and much of our relationship, well at least certain parts of our relationship that you can clearly understand by just listening to the lyrics of the songs we had written.

I don't want this one to disappoint him or my fans, considering the fact that I am working so hard to try and have this album live up to the expectations of the likes of Thank u, next and Dangerous Woman.

Though, the other three will always be my babies, I know those two albums in question hold a special place in the hearts of many of my fans.

Once the producers wave me over to the booth, I get up taking my notebook with all of the sheets of lyrics for the songs and I kiss Angelo's cheek before going to step inside of the booth to record.

It took some time obviously with some of my vocals being off and not being able to find the right tone to match with the song, but of course that's just how the music business works.

Thankfully all of the things that could possibly go wrong during my recording of Shut up didn't go wrong, so I was very much relieved to be stepping out of the booth when I did.

Surprisingly it only took about an hour to finishing recording in comparison to other songs I've recorded on the past.

I was just happy to be getting through with recording for today though.

Though, much of our day had been taken up by our writing process.

I had just picked up my water bottle to take a drink when Tayla pushed my phone into my hands causing some confusion to sweep over my face.

Vic speaks up and Tommy excuses himself from the conversation entirely putting his hands up in a surrendering motion before turning to his own devices.

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