Chapter 25

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The smell of coffee filled my nose, and I could hear voices. Multiple voices. I heard Gabriel’s and my eyes shot open. I was in a courtroom.

Gabriel patted my shoulder, “Morning, kid.”

“What happened?”

“You’re…You’re dead, Treble. Zack killed you,” Gabriel nodded.

I stood up, looking behind me and trying to get to the door to get out, but my wrists were chained to the table. I yanked and yanked to no avail. Demons and angels sat in the chairs behind me, and a jury of six of each sat on the side of the room. “Gabriel,” my voice dropped. “What’s going on?”

“You’re being judged.”

“Miss Williams,” a demon with a sly grin said. My judge. “How do you plead, my dear?”

I looked at Gabriel, taking my seat. “How do I plead?”

“I can get you back if you go to Heaven,” he nodded. “My client pleads innocent, your honor.”

For hours on end, there was an argument made over where I should be sent. In those hours I learned that I was a pretty awful person, most of my badness was just the fact that I had sex, though.

Gabriel argued until I thought his head would explode, and he won me into Heaven. When my trial was over, we were flashed into Heaven, and Fifteen’s words from before came to mind.

“Gabe, is there a way I can get to Hell and still go back?”

“There’s a chance, but I don’t want to risk that I don’t get you back.”

Then I remembered more of what Fifteen said. I reached into my pocket as my dad passed. He stopped, “Treble?!”

“Hi, I died. Can’t talk now. Saving Athena,” I pulled out the vial and dropped the red liquid onto the cobblestone.

 Fifteen appeared, “Hey, kiddo. Wait, this is Heaven.”

“I know, can’t you get us to Hell?”

“No, I’ve been banished, dumbass,” he laughed, earning a scowl from Dad. The Incubus looked at Gabriel. “Can you get us down there, God?”

“Don’t call me that, and yes, I can,” Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Can you get her out?”

“Yeah, I promised her I would.”

“Okay, come with me,” Gabriel sighed. “I don’t trust you, Fifteen.”

“He’s fine. We did make that promise before I died…Hey, Gabe…How’s Zack?”

“Alive…barely,” Gabriel shrugged. “I’d hurry your little mission up. He’s considering swallowing one of your holy water bullets as we speak.”

My eyes widened, “Go talk to him!! Make him stop!”

“You wear me out, Miss Williams,” Gabriel sighed. “I’ll send you two, and then I’ll talk to him. How’s that sound?”

“Thank you,” I hugged him tightly. He drew a pattern in the dirt at the entrance of Heaven, a different pattern than what Zack always drew. A black hole opened up and Fifteen stepped in, so I followed.

Hell was hot.

Fire burned in torches, on the walls, under the floors. Everywhere. Moans and groans of pain erupted from the cells as Fifteen and I walked past.

“Taylor,” I gasped, remembering he said he’d be down here.

“Would you like to see him?”

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