Chapter 22

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Zack gripped my hand as we grimly made our way through Heaven and followed the crowds to a tall and wide portal of black goo. I squeezed Zack’s hand upon seeing it, knowing I would not like what was on the other side.

“They said the portal should open far enough away that we can set up a camp,” Taylor said softly.

“Key word being should,” Lionel huffed. “Av, in case we die, I love you. I love you like I love sleeping.”

“Jesus, I didn’t know you loved me that much,” she said breathlessly. “I love you, too, Nel. I’ll die loving you.”

I glanced at Zack, trying to hold in more tears. I didn’t want to die. I did not want to die, and especially after barely living. Kids shouldn’t have to die. Nobody should have to die. Zack shouldn’t die, Eros shouldn’t die, and Taylor shouldn’t die. Nobody should have to die!

My breath quickened, and Zack slid an arm around my shoulders. “You’re okay. We’ll be okay.”

I nodded, though I didn’t fully believe him.

“Seriously, T, we’re gonna be fine,” Zack said, and I came to the conclusion that he said it more for himself.

“Williams!!” someone shouted behind me. I stopped in my tracks.


“Sorry!” I shrunk under the sun god’s amber eyes. “I forgot!”

“Thank God I saw you,” he chuckled. “Jesus, did you really forget?”

“Yeah,” my voice was small as Apollo stood on my right side. “I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be. I don’t blame you. Sure you’ve been saying goodbye to people all morning,” he shrugged and we got too close for comfort to the portal. I squeezed Zack’s hand until I could feel my pulse in my fingertips.

“Treble, it’s okay, baby,” Zack said quietly. “I’m right next to you, okay?”

Goddammit, Williams, get your shit together!

“Yeah, I’m good,” I nodded quickly. You’re the Savior, of course you’re good! Kick some ass!

“I like your pep-talks,” Taylor chuckled. I took a deep breath as the long row of Beings in front of us stepped in. We were next.

“Get your hand on your hilt,” Zack commanded, and I reached down to my sword, not letting go of his hand. My right hand was my swinging hand anyway. “Good girl,” he said softly, distracting me from the imposing doom for a millisecond.

We stepped into the cold void and I swear I was in space judging by the temperature…or lack thereof. I shut my eyes and felt Zack squeeze my hand.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” I nodded quickly. “Yeah, just freezing my ass off.”

“Almost done, baby girl,” he distracted me once again. I opened my eyes to look up at him, getting a blinding flash of light in my eyes. We were surrounded by scorched trees and the scent of burning grass. I gagged on the smell, covering my face with my arm.

We all made it through. Part one: complete. Now we just had to survive fighting. Whoopee.

I gathered my group, following the instructions of more experienced generals, though they all looked to me. “Camp,” I finally concluded. “We need camps.”

“Good call, beautiful,” Zack kissed my temple.

“Why are you trying to distract me?”

“I’m trying to make it easier on you,” he shrugged. “Plus it’s kinda fun.”

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