Chapter 24

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Day two of battle started off with a few horrible mistakes. First, there was the river mishap in which Zack nearly drowned. Then neither of us got breakfast since we were busy trying to stop our hearts from beating out of our chests. Then my jacket ripped, and a piece of my armor broke off. Eros said he couldn't fix it.

Eros got stung by a wasp-of course-since a wasp sting is the only thing he has an allergic reaction to. I told him he had to stay at camp. Apollo had stomach flu from eating a bad sandwich. He had to stay too. Taylor had a head cold, but insisted he was feeling up to fighting. Stupidly, I let him.

Avalon had spell goop leftover on her fingernails from casting spells earlier that day and that night got a little carried away with Lionel...Let's just say his back was all sorts of infected. And worst of all, Roman had PMS and was extra bitchy. She'd slap Zack's ass any and every time he'd walk by her, and I was getting real sick of it.

The last time we walked by her, she got a sly grin on her lips. Not today. "Touch his ass one more time and I'll cut your foot off your leg and shove it so far up your own ass that you can taste toe fungus."

Roman raised an eyebrow, moving to grab his ass again. But he'd moved, thankfully, so she got a fistful of air. I kicked her legs out from under her, knocking her to the ground.

"Keep your filthy hands off of him," I spat, walking on toward today's battlefield with the army behind me. I didn't wait for Zack, too pissed to think clearly. Zack gripped my elbow, forcing me to walk slower.

His warm lips were at my ear, "You could smack my ass if that would make you feel better."

"Running over her with a truck would make me feel better," I snapped.

"T," Zack's voice was gravelly. "Please?"

I sighed, caving, "Better?" I asked with little to no emotion.

"I'd be better if you'd be better," he pressed his lips to mine, taking my focus of the stump-littered ground. I caught my foot on one, toppling over and pulling Zack with me. I groaned and stood up, pulling him with me.

"Most people wait to be alone before they start screwing," Taylor chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Today has not been your morning, has it?"

"Not even a little bit," I said through clenched teeth. "I wanna punch something."

"Can't I just kiss you instead?"

"No! I want to punch something!"

Gen walked next to us, "I'll be your punching bag. After all, what can hurt me after being dipped in holy water, right?"

"Me," I threw him a stone-cold glare.

"T, do you want snuggles after we get back?" Zack pecked his lips to my cheek. "I'll snuggle the shit out of you until you feel happy again, baby."

"I just want to go to sleep and not wake up," I sighed, rubbing my forehead as if that would wipe away the memory of this morning.

"You're definitely getting snuggles when we get back," Zack tossed me over his shoulder. "I love you, Treble."

I was quiet, wishing for sleep. Wishing that was only a dream.

"I said I love you, Treble," Zack said louder, squeezing my hips.

"I love you, too, Zack," I matched his volume with a roll of my eyes. I slid my hands into the back pockets of his cargo pants. "There's only one thing I'll ever agree with Phoenix about."

"What's that?"

"Your ass looks spectacular in cargo pants," I kissed his wing, making him shiver.

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