Chapter 19

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As my little squad got better at fighting their weaknesses, I grew more anxious. The Elders would be watching us. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. If they didn’t strike before we were completely ready, they’d wait until barely after. Just enough time for us to forget what we’ve learned.

I spent two hours extra with Eros every day, helping him work against his weaknesses. He didn’t have many, but the ones he did have consumed him. The main weaknesses were his desire toward anything that breathed and walked on two legs. Zack wasn’t very happy about it, but I was used as the god’s test dummy. I was used as his distraction along with Taylor. The two of them seemed to grow closer to each other with every waking second.

With the passing couple of weeks, I grew closer to Avalon. She became a wonderful friend of mine that I spent more time with than anyone–next to Zack. She taught me spells, and I taught her how to use her inexperience with war to her advantage. She would seem the weakest link, and with my help, became one of the strongest.

Zack spent quite a bit of time out. Out of Heaven, out of my room in the Purity building, out of his own room in the Purity building when he was in Heaven. He was distant, and I figured he was nervous about the war and whether he’d actually be married a fourth time in the coming weeks or months or years.

I was patient with him, asking advice from Av or Eros even. Eros said he had a war zone when he was chomping at the bit to kill something. He needed wars like I needed him. The two were inseparable, but I was fine with it. As long as he wasn’t with Roman.

In training they talked. A lot. I had to break up conversations more than a few times. Eros told me to be patient with him when this happened. Said Zack was doing more to keep his options open…Just in case. And somehow, I was patient.

Fifteen would drop in once in a while, having provided the evidence we needed the day after requesting. I wasn’t allowed to talk to him alone. But I was patient.

And then one day I wasn’t.

I woke up to the feeling of my stomach twisting and turning into a million different knots, throwing up and barely making it to the bathroom. Zack was out, as usual. My head pounded as I rested it against the cold porcelain toilet. Not long after, Avalon and Taylor and Eros came to get me for training. I was late, due to my vomiting.

Taylor pulled my hair back, and the three of them sat with me while I vented about Zack’s absence. Taylor asked why I’d thrown up.

“Like I know,” I groaned, feeling another wave of nausea.

“You’re not…you know…pregnant…are you?” he blinked at me.

“No, I’m not pregnant,” I laughed at the ridiculous question. “I haven’t seen Zack long enough to make that happen.”

“Who said it had to be Zack?” Eros chuckled. I shot him a glare before emptying out what I’d hoped was the remains of my stomach. “Sorry, that was rude.”

“Thanks for the update. Always welcome,” I nearly threw up again from the taste in my mouth alone.

The door into my room opened, “Treble, are you in here?” Zack’s voice called.

“Can’t catch a break today,” I shook my head.

Zack stood in the doorway of the bathroom, frowning at the trio surrounding me, “Why aren’t you at training?”

“Treble’s pregnant,” Eros lied.

“What,” Zack’s face was blank.

“He’s kidding,” I snapped. “Can’t get pregnant if you don’t have sex, you know.”

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