[18] - abluvion

843 46 4

[y/n] was alone again. Todoroki was off to their training camp. They've parted ways again.

She felt empty just staring at her ceiling on her bed with the sheets wrapped her body. The day was dull, lonely, and quite brumous. There was no sun in the sky, only fog and grey clouds filled the atmosphere of the town, coincidentally matching her lame mood.

Todoroki wasn't there with her, how can she possibly get herself to be happy?

She expected feeling this way after that night with him. She savored every touch she received from him, the hug being the most special amongst all. But now, she couldn't help but miss him again.

"Oh? Uhh, [n/n]? Your parents are here!"

And that's when things began crushing down.

Even though it was another of her free days, they couldn't spend time together. All because she was soon going to leave.


"We're actually on our way to a friend's house. We just wanted to check on our daughter, Mom."

[y/n] huffed after recalling the events earlier when Erika and Sudou came to visit for a minute. She couldn't help but frown at them the whole time. Why did they check up on her anyway? What were they planning?


[y/n] groaned and closed her eyes tightly with her face covered with her palms.


She was sitting on top of a rock in a beach. The sea was surrounding her so if you ever wonder how she got there without getting wet, she used her quirk on seaweeds. She relaxed with the sun setting in front of her and the purple, orange, and pink sky made the whole scenery look even more ethereal.

This was all she wanted.

Peace, relaxation, and no problems to worry about. She wasn't asking for comfort and warmth that time since she wanted to be alone. No offense to Todoroki though.

But apparently, reality wasn't all peace and leisure. She had to stand up to live and survive but being under her abusive parents' control was making things harder.

How was she going to escape from them? How was she going to leave and tell the cops? How was she going to live by herself?

Those were the questions that kept on bothering her ever since she started thinking of leaving. Even though she would be finally free if she escaped, she was still concerned about living normally when she had been traumatized a lot already.

"Hey, Yuki!"

A voice suddenly came out of nowhere, startling the young [y/n]. She turned around, only to watch a couple chasing each other on the shore. Her lips curved downwards.

She could imagine her and Todoroki do those things together. But it was unlikely since it was just impossible for them to get together, he didn't even have feelings for her in the first place—atleast that's what she thought.

She could see herself putting a flower crown on top of his head like what she did in her dream. She imagined sharing a meal with him in that same spot in the park. Maybe play games and go to the mall but those things were too typical.

In other words, she wanted to make happy memories with the boy she ought to love. But that boy didn't love her back.



[y/n] struggled upon Erika's tight grip on her wrist. The older woman only narrowed her eyes at her pathetic daughter, "You're going home right now."

"W-Why?! I thought I—"

She wasn't able to continue when Sudou slapped his palm onto her lips, a menacing fire showing from his eyes, "Shut the fuck up or Mom will hear us."

[y/n] silenced herself once her Father's eyes turned red. She behaved, not wanting to get into Sudou's bad side. She experienced it before, she wouldn't ever want it to happen again.

"Pack your things, Rika and I will wait for you outside."

With just that, both her parents let go of her weak figure on the floor and left without sparing another glance.

[y/n] felt helpless on the floor and how her tears threatened to fall was frustrating her mind. All she wanted was freedom. How did it all come to this?

Once the first tear dripped on the floor, she picked herself up and did what she was told to do. It bugged her following her parents' demands but she had no other choice.

She was destined to be a slave of two monstrous demons who came straight from hell.


Watching the house of her grandma slowly disappearing in the distance caused some kind of extreme loneliness inside of [y/n].

All those days she's spent in that house was special. Now, she was somehow certain that this was her final goodbye.

And goodbye as in....


"I bought clothes for you so you better wear it," Said Erika from the front seat while doing her own makeup.

They were riding their truck under the midnight sky, the same hour when she and Todoroki would gaze at the stars inside that spot.

A single tear rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the moon through the window.


And instead of the smile she had mustered, her lips pursed and her eyes squinted at the dark blue sky. The image of her new love being in her mind only.

'...I love you.'

Plume;  todoroki x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя